On Sun, 2010-09-05 at 18:18 +0200, Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Wichert Akkerman <wich...@wiggy.net> wrote:
> > On 2010-9-5 17:29, Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> >> PluggableAuthService
> >> ------
> >>
> >> There's tons of code based on this. I imagine we can first move the
> >> authentication API's into a WSGI middleware querying PAS as the
> >> backend.
> >
> > This sounds like the mistake repoze.who 1 made. It turns out that for
> > almost every use case you want more control over handling login
> > behaviour than WSGI middleware can provide. It is much simpler to have a
> > simple API to an AAA service and use that than to try pushing this into
> > middleware.
> Right, I'm aware of the repoze.who lessons. Authorization is always
> going to be a WSGI framework component ("endware") and not an isolated
> middleware. But there should be some subpart of the API, which allows
> you to share the same authorization information across multiple WSGI
> applications. Or deal with some of the external authorization
> handling, when you offload things to Apache or other SSO approaches.
> But I'm not familiar enough with this topic to know what exact subpart
> this is. It might come down to just the userid.

r.who 2 actually allows you to dial responsibilities up and down.  You
can use "full stack" middleware that lends it effectively the same
responsibilities as r.who 1, or you can use only the r.who "API" portion
in an app or you can combine the two approaches as necessary.  See also

The particular pain point you should never run into, because it is truly
horrible: don't try to do any login form post handling in an
"identifier".  Just allow the application to render a self-posting login
form and use "the API" to check credentials and set headers and so on,
rather than putting the login form handling itself into middleware
machinery.  In particular, never do anything remotely like the
"RedirectingForm" plugin within
http://svn.repoze.org/repoze.who/trunk/repoze/who/plugins/form.py  (it
wants to be the target for a login form post).

Aside from that (which is a problem for people of any competence level),
most of the problems with the middleware approach stem from needing to
explain how the middleware approach works to integrators of widely
varying competence levels.  Each has his own slightly varying
requirements, and each needs the middleware approach to be explained to
him within that context.  This has been a truly painful task for me, but
that's more an indictment of my level of patience than it is of r.who or
things like it.

- C

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