
A tape splicer does two things: 
1. cut the film on the frameline
2. hold the two ends in place so you can apply the tape.

The press-tape type splicer is very useful for task two. The press-tapes don't 
require the kind of trimming and cleanup a less-than-perfect guillotine splice 
is likely to leave, and they're easier to line up the sprocket holes than the 
perforate tape for a Rivas since they have a paper backing you peel off on one 
side while holding other other in place.

But as Tom notes, you don't want that curved slice cut for several reasons. But 
you can use the Kodak to make the tape joint if you can up with another way to 
cut the film. I've done it with scissors, but I wouldn't recommend it, 
especially to a newcomer. It might be possible to remove the curved blade from 
the Kodak, and jury-rig some kind of straight blade in there, but I think that 
would be more work than it's worth. 

What I would recommend is looking for a cheap splicer that can cut the film on 
the frameline, and then using the presstapes, probably with the Kodak serving 
as the alignment block. There were a number of inexpensive splicers for making 
(non-hot) lap/glue spice back in the day. I know Craig made one. There are 
several on now:

These will cut the film on the frame line, or with a lap for a glue splice. No 
reason you can't cut both sides on the frame line. Making a glue slice with one 
of these things is awfully dicey, since the scrapers aren't the best, and 
getting a solid glue job is hard enough even with the heat from a Mair Hancock. 

But this was the setup I had for emergency repairs in my school's projection 
room: a cheapo Craig to cut the film and a box of presstapes to make the joints.

Not knowing any of the individual models on that UK ebay page, I might go for 
the Minette just on the basis of brand name and appearance. Other Frameworkers 
might have opinions on how well these things do for simple job #1, just cutting 
the film straight and reliably on the frameline...

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