I neglected to mention any British filmmakers in my first response. There's
Derek Jarman's poetry in *The Garden*. Jarman's cottage, which appears in
the film, is decorated John Donne's "The Sun Rising," though I can't
remember if this is legible in the film.  Also, you might want to consider
some of English writer Iain Sinclairs's collaborations with various British
experimental filmmakers such as Chris Petit, Emily Richardson, and Andrew
Kotting. Also, William Raban's *Thames Film* is loosely structured around
excepts from T.S. Eliot's *Four Quartets.

I'm really enjoying this thread!

Heath* *

Heath Iverson
PhD Candidate, Film Studies
University of St Andrews
99 North Street
St. Andrews, KY16 9AD
Scotland, UK
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