Hi Julian,
I would recommend creating an inter-negative using Kodak 7234 and then make a 
print from this inter-negative using 7203. I have done this myself using a 
variety of tools. Do you do any hand processing? Do you have access to an 
optical printer? Better yet a 16mm steenbeck would work as a contact printer. 
Creating a contact print would be the best and will closer match that of your 
original where as using an optical printer you will end up cropping the 
original 16mm footage slightly.
If you want more info on anything here just let me know.
Good luck!

Roger D. WilsonFilm Scientist613 324 - 
Without failure you can never achieve success. I have based my process and my 
career as an experimental film artist on this statement; and I welcome it as it 
pushes me forward as an artist to try something different, something new. 

From: jul...@northwestchicagofilmsociety.org
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 17:11:40 -0500
To: frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com
Subject: [Frameworks] Best route Reversal Film >> Release print?

Can someone recommend the best workflow for edited B+W reversal to positive 
"release print" ? This is just for some home movies I am cutting together, 
nothing too fancy, no sound. I'd just like to have a projection print so I'm 
not screening the original. 


Julian Antos
Northwest Chicago Film Societywww.northwestchicagofilmsociety.org

773 827 8991


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