I've processed 7302 with D-19 and have had excellent results. 

Roger D. WilsonFilm Scientist613 324 - 
Without failure you can never achieve success. I have based my process and my 
career as an experimental film artist on this statement; and I welcome it as it 
pushes me forward as an artist to try something different, something new. 

> Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 18:23:19 -0400
> From: klu...@panix.com
> To: frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com
> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Best route Reversal Film >> Release print?
> > Ok, this is perfect to print from negative....and what is the chemical
> > process for 7302/5302?
> Ordinary B&W process but with a contrastier developer than normal.  
> Normally they'll run D-97.
> If you are hand-processing you could use Dektol although it will go bad
> faster than D-97.  D-97 is intended for long-term stability for machine
> processing.
> Think of 7302 as being like enlarging paper, just on a super stiff acetate
> base.
> --scott
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