Sasha, I appreciate your intelligent and helpful response bringing some
radical women filmmakers into the original post. Sometimes many people in
this space seem to get very stuck on notions of the canon which means that
important work like that of Sadie Benning and Hito Steyerl gets swiped
aside. As a young woman experimental filmmaker I appreciate your
challenging and provoking comments in your original post.
As a young woman experimental filmmaker I also stand fervently and
explicitly against sexist and patronizing comments, tone, and antagonizing.
I'm a little taken aback that more people haven't loudly and explicitly
critiqued the sexism and sexist patronizing/condescension that was thrown
at Sasha and I'm kind of surprised and disappointed. Frameworks will
continue to lose many radical and important filmmakers, thinkers, and
feminists, especially many young filmmakers, over deplorable vitriol such
as what's played out here in this incident.
In solidarity with Sasha, Kim, and all women filmmakers in experimental
spaces who demand to stop being condescended to.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Tim Halloran <>

> Calm down.
> Thanks for adding nothing to the conversation.
> Tim
> Sent from my iPad
> On Mar 31, 2015, at 8:09 AM, Cari Machet <> wrote:
> gene owes no fucking apology in any way
> you on the other hand need to do some hefty work on yourself -
> obliviousness to self critique is a frightening place to even witness
> a hearty fuck off to you sasha
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 4:08 PM, chris bravo <> wrote:
>> >>>>"Clearly my rhetorical excesses with regards to "Wavelength""
>> your rhetoric wasn't "excessive" it was offensive.
>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Sasha Waters Freyer <>
>> wrote:
>>> Mr. Youngblood,
>>> Clearly my rhetorical excesses with regards to "Wavelength" offended
>>> you.  However, turning a critical disagreement over a 48-year-old film is
>>> no excuse to attack my ability as a teacher or to dictate my
>>> "responsibility" to my students. I will chalk this exchange up to your
>>> passion for Snow's work, and not an inherent rudeness of your character.  I
>>> accept your apology in advance.
>>> Yours,
>>> Sasha Waters Freyer
>>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 3:02 AM, <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Send FrameWorks mailing list submissions to
>>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>>> than "Re: Contents of FrameWorks digest..."
>>>> Today's Topics:
>>>>    1. Re: VSW - to your attention! (Bernard Roddy)
>>>>    2. Looking to purchase a JK Optical Printer (Christopher Harris)
>>>>    3. Re: 2. Re: What are the 3 Essential Films that you would show
>>>>       Artists on their first foray into the Moving Image Realm ?
>>>>       (Bernard Roddy)
>>>>    4. 3 sound works (Bernard Roddy)
>>>>    5. Re: 2. Re: What are the 3 Essential Films that you would show
>>>>       Artists on their first foray into the Moving Image Realm ?
>>>>       (
>>>>    6. Re: VSW - to your attention! (Amanda Christie)
>>>>    7. Re: 2. Re: What are the 3 Essential Films that you would show
>>>>       Artists on their first foray into the Moving Image Realm ?
>>>>       (Kelly Gallagher)
>>>>    8. Re: 2. Re: What are the 3 Essential Films that you would show
>>>>       Artists on their first foray into the Moving Image Realm ?
>>>>       (Francisco Torres)
>>>>    9. TONIGHT 3.30 7pm - Jonas Mekas "365 Day Project - Part 3 -
>>>>       March" at Microscope, Mekas in person w. pizza and rootbeer
>>>>       (LBurchill)
>>>>   10. Re: 2. Re: What are the 3 Essential Films that you would show
>>>>       Artists on their first foray into the Moving Image Realm ?
>>>>       (George, Sherman)
>>>>   11. New photo essay posted to flickr (Emile Tobenfeld)
>>>>   12. ed Reflections of Life: American Indian and Indigenous
>>>>       filmmaker screening series this week at California Institute of
>>>>       the Arts. (Nate Cummings)
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Bernard Roddy <>
>>>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 08:51:36 -0500
>>>> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] VSW - to your attention!
>>>> Squeaky Wheel in Buffalo.
>>>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Amanda Christie <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for sharing Walter!
>>>>> I also have a question on a similar subject for the group.
>>>>> I'm going to be doing a radio-art residency in upstate new york next
>>>>> fall (late October), and I was thinking of driving down with a few 16mm
>>>>> projectors and a bunch of my prints... I thought it might be nice to set 
>>>>> up
>>>>> a sort of mini-road-trip-style-film-tour while I'm in the region (either 
>>>>> on
>>>>> my way to or from the residency).  I can do screenings, performances, and 
>>>>> /
>>>>> or teach some workshops. In addition to films, I will also be travelling
>>>>> with theremins, radio gear, and basic electronics, so I could also teach
>>>>> workshops in those fields too if anyone is interested.  I'll definitely 
>>>>> get
>>>>> in touch with Tara at VSW.
>>>>> Does anyone on the list have other recommendations of places or people
>>>>> to talk to?  I've never set anything like this up before, but I figure,
>>>>> that since I'll have a car, and films, and projectors... why not?
>>>>> Any suggestions of places or people to contact in the New York state
>>>>> or surrounding areas would be much appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks so much!
>>>>> Amanda Dawn Christie
>>>>> --------------------------------
>>>>> 506-871-2062
>>>>> _______________________________
>>>>> On 2015-03-29, at 3:56 PM, Walter Ungerer wrote:
>>>>>  Dear Frameworkers,
>>>>> I’d like to draw your attention to the Visual Studies Workshop in
>>>>> Rochester, New York. It’s a study facility for film and photography. Last
>>>>> week I had a film showing there of my more recent work. First, I’d like to
>>>>> thank Tara Nelson for offering the venue to me to show my work. Quite
>>>>> wonderful. The facility has excellent projection and sound equipment and a
>>>>> large screen. Tara’s husband Gordon Nelson (audio engineer), and Tara’s
>>>>> assistant Ray Ray Mitrano (public relations) effectively completed the
>>>>> staff . I’ll add a probing and very appreciative audience to my
>>>>> description, as a culmination of my presentation.
>>>>> I would send this message of appreciation privately to Tara, but it
>>>>> would not draw attention to the Visual Studies Workshop facility for the
>>>>> listserv. As an artist I am always looking for opportunities to exhibit my
>>>>> work, and I imagine many of you on this list, are in a similar place.
>>>>> Therefore I highly recommend contacting Tara Nelson at VSW for more
>>>>> information about film screenings there. Not to forget, nearby is the
>>>>> George Eastman House, another drove of archival material on film and
>>>>> photography.
>>>>> Thanks all for reading.
>>>>> Walter Ungerer
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Christopher Harris <>
>>>> To: "" <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 13:57:34 +0000
>>>> Subject: [Frameworks] Looking to purchase a JK Optical Printer
>>>> Hello Frameworks,
>>>> I am looking to purchase a used JK Optical Printer in very good to
>>>> excellent condition. If you know of anyone or an institution in possession
>>>> of a printer that is slitting around collecting dust please let me know if
>>>> they are interested in selling it. I am looking to finalize a purchase
>>>> within weeks depending on how long it takes to locate. If I am unable to do
>>>> so I will go ahead and purchase directly from Jaako who is still making
>>>> them (at least as of now) despite reports to the contrary. I prefer to
>>>> purchase a used one in excellent condition because Jaako's price is more
>>>> than I'd like to pay but I will pay his price for a new one if I don't find
>>>> another option soon.
>>>> Please respond off list.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> CH
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Bernard Roddy <>
>>>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 09:11:31 -0500
>>>> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] 2. Re: What are the 3 Essential Films that
>>>> you would show Artists on their first foray into the Moving Image Realm ?
>>>> Go Sasha!
>>>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Gene Youngblood <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> The original question is so absurd that I almost didn’t respond, but i
>>>>> did, only to make the point that, within such a restricted frame, you 
>>>>> don’t
>>>>> start with specific films, you start with possibilities: Isn’t it exciting
>>>>> that you can make an “abstract” work, or a minimal one, or you can compose
>>>>> an essay? What do those words mean? How have artists interpreted them? And
>>>>> isn’t it exciting that you can combine all of them, which is the thin edge
>>>>> of the interventionist wedge today. Another point: mid-century isn’t
>>>>> synonymous with Modernism; it’s simply when the new American cinema began
>>>>> in full force.
>>>>> I showed Wavelength and Nostalgia for 38 years, in both fine arts and
>>>>> mainstream contexts, and never once did my students, as a group, “want to
>>>>> kill themselves.” No one who is truly “curious” and “excited” would have
>>>>> such a response. It’s an admission of failure (if not laziness, cowardice
>>>>> or outright betrayal) as a teacher. Your responsibility is to make them
>>>>> curious, to make them excited. Out of  60 students every semester from the
>>>>> late 90s on, I could count on at least 10 percent of them writing term
>>>>> papers on one or both of those films, and these were people who thought
>>>>> Spielberg is a genius.
>>>>> On Mar 29, 2015, at 9:37 AM, Andy Ditzler <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Without getting into questions of "essential," I would say that this
>>>>> is not my experience at all with screening Wavelength. My students -
>>>>> definitely curious and excited people - generally loved watching it, and
>>>>> there was much productive discussion. I've also shown it publicly in my
>>>>> film series on several occasions, again with good results and much
>>>>> discussion afterward (though of course the reactions were not uniformly
>>>>> positive). You see it as mid-century high modernism (thus presumably
>>>>> representing a fixed, "major" tradition), whereas I see it as a film
>>>>> particularly vulnerable to attacks based precisely upon its
>>>>> *difference*, which is perhaps one reason I'm sympathetic to it. In
>>>>> any case, there's no reason that screenings of this film cannot be deeply
>>>>> sensuous and engaging experiences, especially for artists.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Andy Ditzler
>>>>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 9:11 AM, Sasha Waters Freyer <
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> If you want to take a group of curious, excited young artists and
>>>>>> basically make them want to kill themselves, by all means, show them
>>>>>> "Wavelength."  I call shenanigans on equating "essential" with 
>>>>>> mid-century
>>>>>> high modernism which is but one of many 'major traditions.'  Another, 
>>>>>> more
>>>>>> engaging legacy might be the fascinating intersections between art 
>>>>>> history,
>>>>>> critical theory, politics and popular culture that coalesces and build in
>>>>>> the '90-s and early 00s, exemplified in different but totally exciting 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> unique ways by:
>>>>>> "It Wasn't Love" - Sadie Benning
>>>>>> "November" - Hito Steyerl
>>>>>> "A Little Death" - Sam Taylor-Wood
>>>>>> So much richness here!  Relationships between realism and (high/post)
>>>>>> modernism; identity/queer performance pre-youtube/selfie era; the 
>>>>>> explosion
>>>>>> of new tech in the 90s on and their formal implications; post-9/11
>>>>>> everything; the 'Celebrity-artist' career trajectory of STW, etc., etc,
>>>>>> etc....
>>>>>> Sasha
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡
>>>>>> Sasha Waters Freyer
>>>>>> Chair, Department of Photography & Film
>>>>>> VCU School of the Arts
>>>>>> 325 N. Harrison St. / PO Box 843088
>>>>>> Richmond, VA 23284
>>>>>> tel. 804.828.2162
>>>>>> email:
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>>> --
>>>>> Andy Ditzler
>>>>> Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, Emory University
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Bernard Roddy <>
>>>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 09:42:26 -0500
>>>> Subject: [Frameworks] 3 sound works
>>>> Did I mention the course in which I included a section on sound?  Three
>>>> works I played:
>>>> Tony Conrad with Faust, Outside the Dream Syndicate
>>>> Alvin Lucier, Music for Solo Performer
>>>> Yasunao Tone, Musica Iconologos
>>>> I dare anyone on this list to play Tone for more than 5 minutes!
>>>> Bernie
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From:
>>>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 11:02:14 -0400
>>>> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] 2. Re: What are the 3 Essential Films that
>>>> you would show Artists on their first foray into the Moving Image Realm ?
>>>> It did strike me as odd that very few people mentioned anything recent.
>>>> >From the context described it would seem that you would want to show
>>>> work
>>>> that could inspire people to immediately "do" and sometimes that's a
>>>> more
>>>> contemporary film. Two good filmmakers for that kind of inspiration,
>>>> from
>>>> a film perspective, are Ute Aurand and Helga Faenderl--for camerawork,
>>>> editing in camera and (for Ute) editing. It really depends on how fast
>>>> you
>>>> want to get to the makin' stage.
>>>> On the flip, I think its tricky to rely on contemporary work to show the
>>>> way. I have students react very badly to work from the 90s that I loved
>>>> but didn't age well, while they were totally taken with that mid-century
>>>> modernism "crap" (wavelength, nostalgia et al.). They much preferred
>>>> watching Katzelmacher to Wall-E (which is what another teacher was
>>>> showing
>>>> them). I think its really what you stand behind as a teacher and are
>>>> able
>>>> to lead them through that's important--"use-value" above connection.
>>>> Two years ago, students couldn't stand a guy called Ryan Trecartin. Go
>>>> figure.
>>>> Chris
>>>> > Go Sasha!
>>>> >
>>>> > On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Gene Youngblood <
>>>> >
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> The original question is so absurd that I almost didn’t respond, but
>>>> i
>>>> >> did, only to make the point that, within such a restricted frame, you
>>>> >> don’t
>>>> >> start with specific films, you start with possibilities: Isn’t it
>>>> >> exciting
>>>> >> that you can make an “abstract” work, or a minimal one, or you can
>>>> >> compose
>>>> >> an essay? What do those words mean? How have artists interpreted
>>>> them?
>>>> >> And
>>>> >> isn’t it exciting that you can combine all of them, which is the thin
>>>> >> edge
>>>> >> of the interventionist wedge today. Another point: mid-century isn’t
>>>> >> synonymous with Modernism; it’s simply when the new American cinema
>>>> >> began
>>>> >> in full force.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I showed Wavelength and Nostalgia for 38 years, in both fine arts and
>>>> >> mainstream contexts, and never once did my students, as a group,
>>>> “want
>>>> >> to
>>>> >> kill themselves.” No one who is truly “curious” and “excited”
>>>> >> would have
>>>> >> such a response. It’s an admission of failure (if not laziness,
>>>> >> cowardice
>>>> >> or outright betrayal) as a teacher. Your responsibility is to make
>>>> them
>>>> >> curious, to make them excited. Out of  60 students every semester
>>>> from
>>>> >> the
>>>> >> late 90s on, I could count on at least 10 percent of them writing
>>>> term
>>>> >> papers on one or both of those films, and these were people who
>>>> thought
>>>> >> Spielberg is a genius.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On Mar 29, 2015, at 9:37 AM, Andy Ditzler <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Without getting into questions of "essential," I would say that this
>>>> is
>>>> >> not my experience at all with screening Wavelength. My students -
>>>> >> definitely curious and excited people - generally loved watching it,
>>>> and
>>>> >> there was much productive discussion. I've also shown it publicly in
>>>> my
>>>> >> film series on several occasions, again with good results and much
>>>> >> discussion afterward (though of course the reactions were not
>>>> uniformly
>>>> >> positive). You see it as mid-century high modernism (thus presumably
>>>> >> representing a fixed, "major" tradition), whereas I see it as a film
>>>> >> particularly vulnerable to attacks based precisely upon its
>>>> >> *difference*,
>>>> >> which is perhaps one reason I'm sympathetic to it. In any case,
>>>> there's
>>>> >> no
>>>> >> reason that screenings of this film cannot be deeply sensuous and
>>>> >> engaging
>>>> >> experiences, especially for artists.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Best,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Andy Ditzler
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 9:11 AM, Sasha Waters Freyer <
>>>> >> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> If you want to take a group of curious, excited young artists and
>>>> >>> basically make them want to kill themselves, by all means, show them
>>>> >>> "Wavelength."  I call shenanigans on equating "essential" with
>>>> >>> mid-century
>>>> >>> high modernism which is but one of many 'major traditions.'
>>>> Another,
>>>> >>> more
>>>> >>> engaging legacy might be the fascinating intersections between art
>>>> >>> history,
>>>> >>> critical theory, politics and popular culture that coalesces and
>>>> build
>>>> >>> in
>>>> >>> the '90-s and early 00s, exemplified in different but totally
>>>> exciting
>>>> >>> and
>>>> >>> unique ways by:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> "It Wasn't Love" - Sadie Benning
>>>> >>> "November" - Hito Steyerl
>>>> >>> "A Little Death" - Sam Taylor-Wood
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> So much richness here!  Relationships between realism and
>>>> (high/post)
>>>> >>> modernism; identity/queer performance pre-youtube/selfie era; the
>>>> >>> explosion
>>>> >>> of new tech in the 90s on and their formal implications; post-9/11
>>>> >>> everything; the 'Celebrity-artist' career trajectory of STW, etc.,
>>>> etc,
>>>> >>> etc....
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Sasha
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> --
>>>> >>> ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Sasha Waters Freyer
>>>> >>> Chair, Department of Photography & Film
>>>> >>> VCU School of the Arts
>>>> >>> 325 N. Harrison St. / PO Box 843088
>>>> >>> Richmond, VA 23284
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> tel. 804.828.2162
>>>> >>> email:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> _______________________________________________
>>>> >>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Andy Ditzler
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, Emory University
>>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>>> >> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>>> >> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>> > FrameWorks mailing list
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Amanda Christie <>
>>>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 12:45:03 -0300
>>>> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] VSW - to your attention!
>>>> Thanks Jason!
>>>> I'm open to exploring screening and workshop options in various regions
>>>> of the state as well, and possibly even neighbooring states and provinces
>>>> too if people have suggestions.
>>>> The residency is at a place called "The Wave Farm" (
>>>> located between Cairo, Hudson, and the
>>>> Catskills.  I'm open to taking some time and travelling around the state,
>>>> down to NYC, Buffalo, Ithaca, even out of state to Ohio if there are
>>>> options there.  I'll be driving up from New Brunswick, so depending on
>>>> options for stops for screenings and workshops, I could cross the border
>>>> in in Maine from St. Andrews NB, or Woodstock, NB.... or I could travel up
>>>> through Quebec and Ontario.... depending on what gets lined up.
>>>> Possibilities could be throughout New York State, Maine, or even Quebec,
>>>> and Ontario.
>>>> Looking forward to driving through the countries with some projectors
>>>> and films à-la-Jill-Kerouac... (no jack here... but a jill).
>>>> Amanda Dawn Christie
>>>> --------------------------------
>>>> 506-871-2062
>>>> _______________________________
>>>> On 2015-03-29, at 6:45 PM, Jason Halprin wrote:
>>>> A short list to start with:
>>>> Squeaky Wheel, Buffalo
>>>> Pittsburgh Filmmakers (pretty close to Buffalo)
>>>> Cornell Cinema, Ithaca
>>>> Hamilton College, Clinton NY (try contacting Scott MacDonald)
>>>> Colgate University, Hamilton NY
>>>> Binghamton University
>>>> -Jason Halprin
>>>> Jason Halprin
>>>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Amanda Christie <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for sharing Walter!
>>>>> I also have a question on a similar subject for the group.
>>>>> I'm going to be doing a radio-art residency in upstate new york next
>>>>> fall (late October), and I was thinking of driving down with a few 16mm
>>>>> projectors and a bunch of my prints... I thought it might be nice to set 
>>>>> up
>>>>> a sort of mini-road-trip-style-film-tour while I'm in the region (either 
>>>>> on
>>>>> my way to or from the residency).  I can do screenings, performances, and 
>>>>> /
>>>>> or teach some workshops. In addition to films, I will also be travelling
>>>>> with theremins, radio gear, and basic electronics, so I could also teach
>>>>> workshops in those fields too if anyone is interested.  I'll definitely 
>>>>> get
>>>>> in touch with Tara at VSW.
>>>>> Does anyone on the list have other recommendations of places or people
>>>>> to talk to?  I've never set anything like this up before, but I figure,
>>>>> that since I'll have a car, and films, and projectors... why not?
>>>>> Any suggestions of places or people to contact in the New York state
>>>>> or surrounding areas would be much appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks so much!
>>>>> Amanda Dawn Christie
>>>>> --------------------------------
>>>>> 506-871-2062
>>>>> _______________________________
>>>>> On 2015-03-29, at 3:56 PM, Walter Ungerer wrote:
>>>>>  Dear Frameworkers,
>>>>> I’d like to draw your attention to the Visual Studies Workshop in
>>>>> Rochester, New York. It’s a study facility for film and photography. Last
>>>>> week I had a film showing there of my more recent work. First, I’d like to
>>>>> thank Tara Nelson for offering the venue to me to show my work. Quite
>>>>> wonderful. The facility has excellent projection and sound equipment and a
>>>>> large screen. Tara’s husband Gordon Nelson (audio engineer), and Tara’s
>>>>> assistant Ray Ray Mitrano (public relations) effectively completed the
>>>>> staff . I’ll add a probing and very appreciative audience to my
>>>>> description, as a culmination of my presentation.
>>>>> I would send this message of appreciation privately to Tara, but it
>>>>> would not draw attention to the Visual Studies Workshop facility for the
>>>>> listserv. As an artist I am always looking for opportunities to exhibit my
>>>>> work, and I imagine many of you on this list, are in a similar place.
>>>>> Therefore I highly recommend contacting Tara Nelson at VSW for more
>>>>> information about film screenings there. Not to forget, nearby is the
>>>>> George Eastman House, another drove of archival material on film and
>>>>> photography.
>>>>> Thanks all for reading.
>>>>> Walter Ungerer
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Kelly Gallagher <>
>>>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 13:14:49 -0500
>>>> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] 2. Re: What are the 3 Essential Films that
>>>> you would show Artists on their first foray into the Moving Image Realm ?
>>>> Ooo excellent list Sasha. Formidable.
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Francisco Torres <>
>>>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 14:48:17 -0400
>>>> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] 2. Re: What are the 3 Essential Films that
>>>> you would show Artists on their first foray into the Moving Image Realm ?
>>>> ''If you want to take a group of curious, excited young artists and
>>>> basically make them want to kill themselves, by all means, show them
>>>> "Wavelength." ''
>>>> This gave me an idea for a film. It would be titled-
>>>> ''If Wavelength tires them what would La Region Central do?''
>>>> I first saw Wavelength at age 19 and it did not made me feel like
>>>> killing myself but to take a Bolex and make something as weird as it....
>>>> Guess it had to do with the fact that it was 1980.
>>>> 2015-03-30 14:14 GMT-04:00 Kelly Gallagher <>:
>>>>> Ooo excellent list Sasha. Formidable.
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: LBurchill <>
>>>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 15:13:43 -0400
>>>> Subject: [Frameworks] TONIGHT 3.30 7pm - Jonas Mekas "365 Day Project -
>>>> Part 3 - March" at Microscope, Mekas in person w. pizza and rootbeer
>>>> admission $6 - free for members
>>>> Microscope is very pleased to announce the premiere of *PART THREE* “March”
>>>> from Jonas Mekas’ “365 Day Project” as the third of a 12-part program,
>>>> screened at the end of each month, comprising the nearly 38-hour long video
>>>> project. For the year of 2007, Mekas challenged himself to make and upload
>>>> a video on his website each day, at times repurposing or incorporating
>>>> previously unseen footage from his earlier 16mm films and analog videos.
>>>> Originally each of the videos, ranging from 30 seconds to 30 minutes,
>>>> were made available for download and playable on smartphones at a time when
>>>> Facebook had just been made publicly accessible, Youtube had just been
>>>> acquired by Google, and the first iPhone was about to be released later
>>>> that year.
>>>> Among the many highlights of *Part Three (Days 60 – 90)* are Madonna
>>>> concert at Madison Square Garden, Peter Kubelka playing a Tibetan gong,
>>>> Jonas seeking  “silence please”, a drink with Zoe Lund at the Mars Bar,
>>>> snowballs, saunas and a dip in a freezing lake in Tampere Finland, and a
>>>> requiem for a broken tree in Brooklyn.
>>>> “Every day of the year 2007 I placed on my website one new video
>>>> usually about three to ten minutes in length.  By the time the project
>>>> ended, I had made 38 hours of completed video works, the equivalent of
>>>> twenty feature films… It was the most challenging undertaking I had ever
>>>> done. The videos deal with my life in Brooklyn and my many travels of that
>>>> year. It’s personal and anthropological (impersonal) at the same time.
>>>> During my travels I relied a lot on technical and other help from The Gang
>>>> (Benn Northover, Sebastian Mekas — I travel most of the time with The Gang)
>>>> and Elle Burchill was always ready at my Brooklyn station. You’ll see a lot
>>>> of me and my friends, various daily activities, gettings together, a lot of
>>>> music, and a lot of events around New York and Europe that year. The main
>>>> challenge was to record it and share it immediately with many friends all
>>>> over the world. Today I still do the same, but not daily, with less
>>>> pressure, on my website”
>>>> - Jonas Mekas
>>>> more info:
>>>> Microscope Gallery, 1329 Willoughby Ave, #2b, Brooklyn, NY 11237
>>>> tel: 347.925.1433,
>>>> We are located at the Jefferson L (Starr Street exit), walk up slope,
>>>> left on Willoughby, mid-block at little tree, enter through open entrance.
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: "George, Sherman" <>
>>>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 19:37:19 +0000
>>>> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] 2. Re: What are the 3 Essential Films that
>>>> you would show Artists on their first foray into the Moving Image Realm ?
>>>>  Standish Lawder would show “Wavelength” to his “History of Cinema”
>>>> class and as the lights came up in the classroom he would go to the lectern
>>>> and announce “Wasn’t that great, let’s watch it again”
>>>>  On Mar 30, 2015, at 11:48 AM, Francisco Torres <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  ''If you want to take a group of curious, excited young artists and
>>>> basically make them want to kill themselves, by all means, show them
>>>> "Wavelength." ''
>>>>  This gave me an idea for a film. It would be titled-
>>>> ''If Wavelength tires them what would La Region Central do?''
>>>>  I first saw Wavelength at age 19 and it did not made me feel like
>>>> killing myself but to take a Bolex and make something as weird as it....
>>>> Guess it had to do with the fact that it was 1980.
>>>> 2015-03-30 14:14 GMT-04:00 Kelly Gallagher <>:
>>>>>  Ooo excellent list Sasha. Formidable.
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>>>>  Sherman George
>>>> 858-229-4368
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Emile Tobenfeld <>
>>>> To: DrTVideo <>
>>>> Cc:,, "
>>>> List" <>,
>>>> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 00:26:52 -0400
>>>> Subject: [Frameworks] New photo essay posted to flickr
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I just posted a new photo album, "Glass Bricks at Harvard" to flickr at
>>>> Glass brick walls make excellent photo subjects. The symmetrical
>>>> pattern of the bricks plays off of the distorted images of the other side
>>>> of the wall, which vary from brick to brick and change as you move your
>>>> head or camera.
>>>> On March 15, I went with my friend Eva Arnott (seen about halfway
>>>> through  the set) to the Harvard Art Museums. We stopped at the Carpenter
>>>> Center along the way, and took these pictures. I could have taken a lot
>>>> more, but we wanted to have enough time at the museum.
>>>> -- Emile
>>>> When the going gets tough, the tough go dancing.
>>>> My photography can be viewed at
>>>> My videos can be viewed at
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Nate Cummings <>
>>>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 00:02:35 -0700
>>>> Subject: [Frameworks] ed Reflections of Life: American Indian and
>>>> Indigenous filmmaker screening series this week at California Institute of
>>>> the Arts.
>>>> Dear Frameworkers,
>>>> Thank you for your help and interest when I posted several weeks ago
>>>> asking for suggestions for American Indian and Indigenous filmmakers.
>>>> I am proud to share with you details of the series (though I apologize
>>>> for being late on this)
>>>> Los Angeles College (LAC) and the Institute for American Indian and
>>>> Indigenous Art and Media (IAIIAM) proudly present Red Reflections of
>>>> Life film series this week at California Institute of the Arts. We
>>>> will screen over 600 minutes of film and video by contemporary indigenous
>>>> artists this Monday (3/30) thru Friday (4/3). Red Reflections of Life 
>>>> borrows
>>>> its name from artist and Cal Arts alum Richard Ray Whitman (Yuchi/Creek).
>>>> As a young student of painting and film, Whitman participated in a
>>>> documentary produced by the Institute of American Indian Arts titled "Red
>>>> Reflections" (1969). He continued working with community driven films,
>>>> ultimately developing a mixed-media body of work critiquing U.S. aggression
>>>> toward cultural, political, and institutional sovereignty of American
>>>> Indians. His interrogation of Native American survival is too mirrored in
>>>> his dedication to social work and form of creative practice.
>>>> Red Reflections of Life echoes Whitman's urgency and refusal of
>>>> cultural and institutional mores. Our goals include expansion of American
>>>> Indian work in both academic and creative discourse, investigation of
>>>> multiplicities of American Indian narrative(s), and destabilization of
>>>> conventional history telling and memory making.
>>>> MON 3.30.15 - FRI 4.3.15
>>>> Mon 3.30   //   A COMMON EXPERIENCE
>>>> 7:00 - 9:00 PM
>>>> Gallery A402
>>>> Tues 3.31   //   LIVING ARCHITECTURE
>>>> 7:00 - 9:00 PM
>>>> Gallery A402
>>>> Wed 4.1   //   HOW A PEOPLE LIVE
>>>> 1:00 - 4:00 PM
>>>> Bijou Theater
>>>> Thurs 4.2   //   INTREPID SHADOWS
>>>> 9:00 - 10:45 PM
>>>> Gallery A402
>>>> Fri 4.3   //   270 YEARS OF RESISTANCE
>>>> 1:00 - 4:00 PM
>>>> Bijou Theater
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>>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>>> --
>>> ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡
>>> Sasha Waters Freyer
>>> Chair, Department of Photography & Film
>>> VCU School of the Arts
>>> 325 N. Harrison St. / PO Box 843088
>>> Richmond, VA 23284
>>> tel. 804.828.2162
>>> email:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>> --
>> <>
>> :::::::* <>*
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>> FrameWorks mailing list
> --
> Cari Machet
> NYC 646-436-7795
> AIM carismachet
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> Reykjavik +354 894 8650
> Twitter: @carimachet <>
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