Can whoever moderates/administers this list please intervene? This got out
of hand 24 hours ago.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 11:30 AM, Cari Machet <> wrote:

> Jen you have no clue why those people were told to fuck off ?? try in
> future to parse information please
> Is it dificult to understand ethics violations or you just dont even
> bother to consider ethics at all because you "comfortably" had a fucking
> cup of tea this morning with goddamn sugar and cream in it and woman can do
> whatever the fuck they want if they are western
> Your little whiny western school children maybe should be shown footage of
> monks self immulating in order to get a clue and maybe you yourself should
> look at some war footage of what your precious west has done to vietnam or
> iraqi men woman children plants animals art books world heritage sites and
> consider ethics for 2 fucking seconds of your blip of a life
> The unconsciousness of babbling support of a whiny western priviledged
> fuck is repulsive
> On Apr 1, 2015 6:39 AM, "Jen Proctor" <> wrote:
>> I think Sasha knows the spirit of her comments is supported both on and
>> off this list, but I wanted to openly add my voice to the chorus of
>> supporters.
>> And I say this as someone who counts Wavelength among my very favorite
>> films, and who has shown it to students with all the passion, fervor, and
>> sense of curiosity I can muster, and who still has had students say they
>> wanted to set themselves on fire watching it. :/
>> P.S. I have pre-emptively told myself to heartily fuck off.
>> On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 8:08 AM, Jason Halprin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Tim - You can (and should)! Just set up a filter to have emails from
>>> anyone you'd rather not hear from sent directly to your trash. Problem
>>> solved, listserv members reduced by one. Separates the good stuff from the
>>> vitrol.
>>> Sasha - as a long-time member of this list, and more importantly, and
>>> artist and a teacher, I whole-heartedly support your response in this
>>> thread. It is one thing to offer a disagreement over the merits of
>>> presenting one work or another in a class, as well as to offer different
>>> strategies that have been successful in the past when presenting this work,
>>> but someone who seems to not know you personally did exactly what you
>>> named: attacked your ability as a teacher, and dictated your responsibility
>>> to your students. You have every right to respond directly, and publicly,
>>> to this criticism, not matter who it's coming from (though you don't need
>>> me, or anyone else to tell you that). I find it shameful that your response
>>> has been made out to be the cause of the return to flameworks.
>>> Jason Halprin
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