
2015-09-02 1:11 GMT+02:00 George, Sherman <>:

> As someone suggested put a few drops of Kroil so that it wicks into the
> threads and let it set for 24 hours and the try to unscrew the crank.
> Beyond that find a good service person. Avoid getting Kroil on your skin.
> Good Luck
> On Sep 1, 2015, at 2:10 PM, Ugo Bo <> wrote:
> Yes is left handed, it goes in the same screw as the original handle. So
> as I said, "I tried to unscrew the cog turning clockwise".
> From Rex o fader instruction:
> 1. Unscrew the camera rewind handle by turning it clockwise.
> 2. Fit the Rexofader with its hole on the axis from which you just screwed
> the rewind handle.
> 3. Screw down and lock screw (1).
> 4. Set the special rewind handle (2), supplied with the accessory, in
> place. Screw it on firmly, turning anti-clockwise"
> If you turn the cog anti-clockwise you just wind up the motor
> 2015-09-01 22:50 GMT+02:00 George, Sherman <>:
>> The crank is left hand threads
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Sherman George
>> 858-229-4368
>> On Sep 1, 2015, at 1:47 PM, George, Sherman <> wrote:
>> As I remember the Rex o fader is left hand thread. Try turning it the
>> other way.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Sherman George
>> 858-229-4368
>> On Sep 1, 2015, at 1:02 PM, Ugo Bo <> wrote:
>> Mmh
>> penetrating oil didn't work (I used Wd-40), I think I applied a
>> considerable torque (don't ask me how much)... I wonder how much the
>> service can charge for having the job done...
>> thanks anyway
>> Livio
>> 2015-08-31 16:42 GMT+02:00 Ugo Bo <>:
>>> Thanks Scott
>>> I'm going to have a try tonight with some unlocking oil.
>>> But the cog screw that's is stuck is a male one, which goes in the
>>> rewind spindle screw that's a female one, so heating the cog up should
>>> widen it making it stuck even more...
>>> And I can't heat up the spindle screw which is unaccessible without
>>> dismantling the camera... (and both of these things scare me a bit...)
>>> 2015-08-31 16:14 GMT+02:00 Scott Dorsey <>:
>>>> Put a drop of kroil or some other penetrating oil on the cog.  Maybe
>>>> heat it up a little with a soldering iron.
>>>> --scott
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