Hi Zach,

First off thank you for your detailed and inspiring response! It helps to
know about the shutter. If you have time to answer them, I have several
questions and would greatly appreciate your feedback either here or
off-list to help me further conceptualize my project. I must to say that I
haven't worked in Max yet and I'm a little lost on a few principles that
your system is based on.

• The general interface/communication. From what I can glean the camera is
initialized into a video mode, then motor advances the film one frame, the
arduino /+ PWM controller power on the LEDs once and TC Controller captures
this event as a single frame in a video? Lather, rinse, repeat...

• It'd be helpful to see screencaps of the capture and frame sensor
settings just to get an idea of what other control your system affords

• At what bit depth are you capturing?

• When the software checks the sprocket hole brightness do you use this to
automatically configure the color space values?

• Would something like the Blackmagic Ultrastudio Mini suffice in place of
the Matrox?

• Specs of the machine running this

• LED specs

• Motor specs

• Important characteristics of the projector? I'd assume an easily
removable gate, no Kodak worm gear BS, so on...

• Amount of time to capture 100' of film (~20' for capture only?)

• Could you theoretically implement a WFM or histogram into TC Controller?

I don't want to belittle your efforts as I realize I may be asking the
'wrong' questions in certain cases here or that many of these points are
why it takes time to successfully implement something such as this. I
really applaud what you've been able to accomplish.

So far I've approached it from a much different perspective in that I've
retained the AC motors and just analyzed the mechanical characteristics to
work with a nice piece of software that was written by someone else. I like
that the JK allows me to switch formats, though the ability to do
S16/optical tracks without buying another  gate is very exciting. I'd never
heard of AEO before so that's very helpful.

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