Re: silver removal, it is my understanding that one can use a ball of steel
wool to replace the silver in the solution if you do not care about
recovering the silver easily. If you throw steel wool in a bucket of spent
fixer the iron from the steel wool will swap the silver in solution...the
result will be an iron-rich fixer solution (relatively harmless) and a
silver sludge. Filter the sludge and the rest can probably go down the
drain without consequence, although admittedly I've never done this on a
septic system.

I have a generally poor understanding of the finer points of chemistry, so
perhaps someone wants to clarify that...but as far as I know that is the
simplest silver recovery process.

Not sure if it works in reversal bleach as I've always considered that too
harmful to dump, silver or no silver.


On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 6:26 PM, George, Sherman <> wrote:

> Sarah,
> There is no magnet to attract silver.
> For small batch processing precipitation is uncomplicated and inexpensive.
> Sherman
> Sent from my iPhone
> Sherman George
> 858-229-4368
> On Aug 30, 2016, at 18:00, Sarah Bliss <> wrote:
> Thanks Amanda, Scott, Pip, Sherman and David!  I very much appreciate all
> the info.
> I appreciate the links to Kodak’s info, Sherman.  Unfortunately, I’m not
> able to access further links from that page.  Seems I need program
> membership, but I don’t find info on what that is.
> Great to learn about onions as a temporary fix, Pip!
> Sounds like the most problematic chemicals are in bleach, fix, and
> hypoclear.   If spent chemicals are decanted and taken to a toxic waste
> site, how much of a concern are the trace chemicals and silver in washes?
> Many folks seem to think the impact on the septic system is not of major
> concern, which leaves me with a concern about drinking water and general
> environmental health.  Searches online bring up opinions running the gamut,
> but we’ll be drinking water that has these untreated chemicals in them.
> And do  I have it right that installing a silver recovery system is as
> simple as getting a special magnet that will attract the silver?
> Sarah
> <>
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