Re:  Note below,  Dear Internet,  I am who I say I am.   -- DK

On Nov 4, 2017, at 11:30 AM, Diane Kitchen wrote:

This sender failed our fraud detection checks and may not be who they appear to be. Learn about spoofing
BEFORE WE KNEW NOTHING (1988) and ROOTS, THORNS (1993), two films I made with the Ashaninka people of eastern Peru, have female voice- over and Ashaninka voices.

On Nov 2, 2017, at 9:42 AM, Ben Ogrodnik wrote:

Hi all,

I am requesting some film suggestions for a list of experimental, independent, and/or feminist-leaning films that contain a woman -- or multiple women -- providing voice-over narration to the images.

The works can be from any era, in any format: documentary, animation, fiction, found-footage, anthropological, installation- based, etc.

Some well-known examples of this tradition would be: Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen's Riddles of the Sphinx, 1977; Michelle Citron's Daughter Rite, 1978; or Su Friedrich's Sink or Swim, 1990.

Any examples of woman-voiced films that may be lesser known, or made outside EuroAmerican settings, would be greatly appreciated as well!

Thanks so much.


Ben Ogrodnik
Department of Film Studies // History of Art and Architecture
University of Pittsburgh
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