On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Sheldon Hearn wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 07:46:18 +0100, Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai wrote:
> > Yer kidding right? A program that _needs_ 100 MB or more? Surely yer
> > kidding... I haven't seen a program in normal corporate/home use that
> > justifies the memory usage of 100 MB or more including NetScape's
> > Navigator/Communicator.
> You haven't had to provide an ISP-grade news or proxy service yet, have
> you? :-)
> Ignoring that comment, since I assume you meant "I haven't seen an
> end-user application in...", it _is_ conceivable that the way Netscape
> keeps track of its cache _does_ mean an inevitable requirement for
> enormous amounts of memory.
> I still don't think we're getting any closer to the question "Why is
> Netscape unstable on CURRENT when it worked fine for me on STABLE?" The
> problem seems to be that those who know enough to offer a useful answer
> don't seem to be seeing the instability reported.
> So if this thread isn't going to be dropped, the focus should probably
> be shifted to "What information should we request from people who have
> this problem?"
> Ciao,
> Sheldon.

If you have Netscape problems, it would be worthwhile to try removing
-DVM_STACK from src/sys/compile/BLAH/Makefile and doing a make clean all
install. I am pretty certain this is the cause of Netscape crashing, at least
on startup...

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