On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Jan 2014, Kevin Oberman wrote:
>  On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 7:47 AM, Thomas Hoffmann <trh...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>       On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com>
>> wrote:
>>       >
>>       >
>>       > Using -DNOCLEAN with an existing /usr/obj can go even faster than
>> ccache:
>>       > less than two minutes for a buildworld on my frequently updated
>> i5/SSD
>>       > system, sometimes less than one minute.
>> Can you elaborate on this, please? I always clear my /usr/obj before
>> starting a buildworld, which takes 2 hours to run on my system. Are you
>> saying if I do "make -DNOCLEAN buildworld" I do not have to clear /usr/obj
>> first
> Yes.  Removing /usr/obj is a faster way of doing 'make clean', mostly.
>  AND my buildworld will run faster
> Yes, because make will see that many/most files have already been built.
>  (AND with no downside)?
> Well... mostly.  :)
> I noticed that after 10.0-RELEASE, uname on my system still said
> "PRERELEASE".  That code had not been rebuilt because make did not see it
> as needing a rebuild.  You can still delete /usr/obj and run a full
> buildworld from scratch every so often.
> I should give credit to bdrewery@ for reminding me about -DNOCLEAN when I
> was whining about ccache not working on 10.0.  It turned out to be a better
> solution.

Hmm, I particularly like your suggestion of running a full buildworld
periodically. With two hour buildworlds (from scratch) I was planning on
rebuilding every couple of weeks. If using -DNOCLEAN can significantly
reduce my buildworld time, I'll rebuild weekly and do a full build every
fourth week. I'm anxious to give this approach a go and see how much time I
can save on the buildworlds.

Thanks for the info and tips.

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