On 30.03.2017 9:51, Andrey Chernov wrote:
> On 30.03.2017 8:53, Bruce Evans wrote:
>>> Maybe two will be enough too, I don't check. I just don't need _any_ of
>>> vt lines. What is matter it is that syscons only mode (without any vt)
>>> was recently broken, causing shutdown problems and file system damage
>>> each time. Syscons only mode works for years until you break it recently.
>> Actually, I fixed it not so recently (over the last few months), partly
>> with much older local fixes.
> Please commit your fix as soon as possible. vt is broken as designed in
> many aspects (I even mention not all of them), but from other hand I
> can't allow dirty filesystem (or hang) on each reboot using sc only mode
> as always. It is dangerous, and fsck takes big time. Moreover, using sc
> while keeping vt bloat compiled in the kernel just as the bug workaround
> is the best demotivator for perfectionist.
>> The escape sequences in dmesg are very interesting.  You should debug
>> those.
> I'll send you them a bit later. Since I don't want vt at all, I don't
> want to debug or fix it, let it die.

Here it is:
kernel: allscreens_kbd cursor^[[=0A^[[=7F^[[=0G^[[=0H^[[=7Ividcontrol:
setting cursor type: Inappropriate ioctl for device

It is caused by vidcontrol call which left from previous sc setup.

>>> I'll try. thanx. But most dangerous new syscons bug is the first one,
>>> damaging file system on each reboot. I try to go to KDB to debug it, but
>>> seeing that I can't even enter KDB I understand that all that bugs,
>>> including nasty one, are introduced by your syscons changes, it was a
>>> hint to add completely unneeded and unused vt to my kernel config file.
>> It's normal to have a slightly damaged file system after a panic.
> In sc only mode I have no kernel panic, i.e panic with trace on console
> or entering KDB. I have silent reboot in the middle or end of shutdown
> sequence or rare dead hang on reboot (which absolutely not acceptable
> for remote machine).
>> You might have entered ddb in a context which used to race or deadlock.
> No. I try about 20 times on machine which does nothing and can't enter
> KDB in sc only mode, but got one dead hang instead, when start to repeat
> it too fast. In vt mode I can enter each time, but there are exit
> problems I already mention.
> I use text mode in sc.
>> Strings for function keys:
>> - these are just broken in both sc and vt
> I have all function keys working in sc only mode with TERM=cons25 and
> similar ones.
>> Pseudographics:
>> - I don't use it enough to see problems in it.  Even finding the unicode
>>   glyph for the block character took me some time.
> Even cp437 have it and dialog library use it for all windows frames,
> f.e. all ports config windows use pseudographics if it is available and
> working (replaced by +-| etc poor looking ASCII otherwise).

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