"Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> > Err.. how did you run it?  'perl < MYKERNEL'?  If you run 'perl MYKERNEL'
> > it will generate nothing because I was kinda lame and didn't know how to do
> > argument parsing. :-]
> Yep, I ran it exactly as you specified in your "HEADS UP" message
> to -current.  It generates no output for either GENERIC or for my
> kernel config file:
> jkh@zippy-> perl gethints.pl < ZIPPY 
> jkh@zippy-> perl gethints.pl < GENERIC

Uhh... gethints.pl is a once-only tool to help you get from an old config
to a new one.  Once you have stripped out the hints, gethints will find
none.  GENERIC.hints is the corresponding hints file for what used to be
in GENERIC.  If you had copied GENERIC to ZIPPY, you should probably use
GENERIC.hints as your skeleton for /boot/device.hints

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