On 29-Nov-00 Andrea Campi wrote:
>> We want mtxd_file and mtxd_line.  If you look at the output of the last
>> command, it will probably look something like this:
> ../../kern/kern_timeout.c, line 139

Hmm, and the failed assertion was:

panic: mutex Giant owned at ../../kern/kern_intr.c:238

So it looks like we aren't releasing Giant, or that one of the callouts we
called is getting giant but not releasing it.  In sys/kern/kern_timeout.c, add
in this: (at around line 139)

                                if (!(c_flags & CALLOUT_MPSAFE))
                                        mtx_enter(&Giant, MTX_DEF);
                                s = splhigh();
                                if (!(c_flags & CALLOUT_MPSAFE))
                                        mtx_exit(&Giant, MTX_DEF);
                                /* add if statement below this */
                                if (mtx_owned(&Giant)) {
printf("Bad callout handler: c_func = %p, c_arg = %p, c_flags = %d\n",
        c_func, c_arg, c_flags);
panic("bad callout");
Then when it panics write down the values that get printed out.  Next,
do 'nm /sys/compile/MYKERNEL/kernel.debug | sort' and look for the function
whose address matches the c_func address printed out, then send this info back
please. :)

> Hope it helps,
>       Andrea


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