I'll try- lots on plate to do.

There's a lot of iffy stuff with ithreads on alpha.  But this theory of yours
doesn't match the situation where I can then still log in and ping, but that
the NFS loopback mount is still hosed. 

I went back to building across NFS and that worked mucho better. 

> :
> :I'm getting these on NFS for loopback.
>     Can you verify that it's the same as Poul's by breaking into DDB
>     and doing a trace ?
>     I have very little time, but what I think may be going on is that
>     current may be exposing a bug in the specfs fsync code related to
>     flushing dirty buffers which already have a background bitmap write
>     in progress.
>     I think what is going on is that interrupt threads are not able to
>     run in -current, whereas interrupts do run in -stable, and an interrupt
>     completing the write on a buffer is what breaks us out of the 
>     infinite loop.  I noticed in Poul's 'ps' output that a number of
>     interrupt threads were runnable, but not getting any cpu to run.
>     The way to test this hypothesis is to give up the cpu for a tick in the
>     specfs fsync loop, allowing interrupt threads to run.  Maybe do a
>     tsleep for hz/10 every 500 iterations or something like that.
>     If this fixes the problem, then we have confirmation. 
>     Alternatively someone can work up a simple MARK/SCAN for specfs's fsync,
>     ala what we do in FFS's fsync, and try that.  I think MARK/SCAN may
>     be the ultimate solution but we should home in on the problem before
>     tring it out.
>                                       -Matt

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