On 09-Jan-01 Matthew Jacob wrote:
> Something wierd has been happening lately- the serial console on my i386
> machine works fine up until init is forked.. THen the output is mangled, and
> one gets replicated and/or mangled stuff. On a reboot I'm getthing things
> like:
> WWWWWaaaaaiiiiitttttiiiiinnnnnggggg     (((((mmmmmaaaaaxxxxx     6666600000
> ssssseeeeecccccooooonnnnndddddsssss)))))     fffffooooorrrrr
> sssssyyyyysssssttttteeeeemmmmm     ppppprrrrroooooccccceeeeessssssssss
> `````bbbbbuuuuufffffdddddaaaaaeeeeemmmmmooooonnnnn'''''     tttttooooo
> ssssstttttoooooppppp...............ssssstttttoooooppppppppppeeeeeddddd
> It's like the output is being repeated...
> Anyone seen same?

Nope, I've been booting my laptop over 115200 serial console to a my 4.x
workstation during ACPI testing w/o any problems.  I've also logged in and done
stuff on it over 115200 as well.


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