On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Murray Stokely wrote:
>    As discussed at BSDCon, the release engineers are committed to
> releasing a relatively stable snapshot of FreeBSD -CURRENT on or
> around April 1, 2002.  Obviously, a lot of major components are still
> in progress, but a great deal of work has already been accomplished,
> and could benefit from the additional exposure that a polished
> snapshot with full package set and documentation will provide.

Dunno if this is already known, but I just had a kernel from a cvsup of
the 5th of this month go bang about half an hour ago; I'm afraid I don't
have a lot of info available as it was unattended at the time and auto-
rebooted (and I deleted the core files before I read this because I needed
the disc space... sorry) so the only info I can offer is that it was in
the process of doing a "make -j10 buildworld" and barfed in
pmap_remove_pages (via exec_new_vmspace <- exec_elf_imgact <- execve);
hardware is a dual P3 with SMP enabled, 512MB core, 2GB swap (total of two
partitions)  If this is important/unexpected, I'll try to reproduce it
with more info.



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