Please don't file a PR against something like this in -current until 
you've established that it's not a transient problem.

In this case, it looks like a possibly corrupt kernel; you're dying very 
early on after jumping into the kernel.

> On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 06:05:14AM -0800, Hiten Pandya wrote:
> > Could you please send us the register dump.  Someone will analyse it and
> > will get back to you.  Or could you please file a Problem Report for this
> > issue. :)
> Here's the dump, I want to open a PR too, what the category would be?
> i386?=20
> int=3D00000006 err=3D00000000 efl=3D00010092 eip=3Dc0309927
> eax=3Dc082e000 ebx=3D0082cc00 ecx=3D00000000 edx=3D00000002
> esi=3D0082c000 edi=3D00834000 ebp=3Dc082fd94 esp=3Dc082fd78
> cs=3D0008 ds=3D0010 es=3D0010 fs=3D0010 gs=3D0010 ss=3D0010
> cs:eip=3Dff ff a1 a4 48 37 c0 a3 - ac aa 38 c0 a1 a8 48 37
>        c0 a3 84 ab 38 c0 05 a0 - 1d ff ff a3 60 ab 38 c0
> ss:esp=3D00 40 83 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> BTX halted      =20
> Cheers,
> --=20
>         Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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