On Wed, 1 May 2002, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:

> Well, my understanding is that this is exactly what Mark is talking
> about-- for the needs of the FreeBSD itself (build, pksrc?) they don't
> need all of Perl.  For that miniperl or something like Debian's
> perl-base where you don't start by leaving out what you don't need but
> instead by taking in only what one absolutely needs.

[I have removed perl5-porters from the CC list since I don't think that's
necessarily the best forum to give unbiased advice about balancing
different needs in setting up the base FreeBSD system :-).  Also, it was
seeming to generate more heat than light.]

This is an issue for many distributions.  Solaris too is considering doing
something like that.  It's very sane and sensible to consider.

Presumably, the resulting stripped package will be named or identified in
such a way that it is clear that it's not the standard package, and it
will be easy for users to install the standard package once they have
everything else set up.  If so, I don't see any problems.

A former perl maintainer,

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Dept. of Physics
    Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042

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