Hi Robert,

> Chances are, if you change an important variable such as memory size, it
> will change the failure mode for this bug.  Carefully marking the memory


Looks like you are right. After running the system now for 8 hours,
I got exactly the same crash as before. Again. It's the same crash
you can download in 3 versions.

I'll get today a new set of replacement ram, but I don't think that
it will solve the problem.

Also the radeon 8500 is out of beiing the suspect.

It looks to me that the OS is again responsable.

Strange thing is that:

1.  I had many SIG11 / SIG4 first, with completly different mem/mobo/PIV
    processor. Not many panics at all. This happened with gcc 2.95, but
    only at at few times.
2.  The problem persisted with gcc3.1 prerelease. The SIG11 / SIG4 were
    now more often.
3.  I replaced the processor, the problem was still there.
4.  I replaced the mem, the problem was still there.
5.  I replaced the momo, mem, processor, still a Intel reference board.
6.  I installed STABLE. I was happy, no corruption/crashes at all.
7.  Finally found that DISABLE_PSE and DISABLE_PG made the bug disappear.
8.  I changed again the mobo. This time ASUS, but same I845 chipset.
    The system run fine.
9.  Michael Reifenberger has the same panics, but he does not have
    a pentium IV. He uses a pentium III.
10. Upgraded to gcc3.2. I was seeing now some SIG11 during builds,
    and - panics ! Softupdates and fs panics mostly. I turned off
    softupdates. The panic was different, but all the time it was
    in mmap.

So my conclusion is that various parameters including using a different
compiler can hide the bug.

Had someone of you a chance to look at some PIV errata ? But why is
Michael then seeing it on his PIII ?

Can we - after I've replaced again the hardware - make the conclusion
that this is really a OS problem and should be tracked down ?


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