>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew N Dodd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matthew> So use vinum, CCD or add the files as swap and make a
Matthew> swap-backed filesystem.

Matthew> No reason to invent a totally new low level filesystem here.

Actually, I can see that working ... but it's going to be a whole lot
less efficient than NBD.  You're doing block io that gets replicated
(say ... raid 1) by vinum and then then turned back into a block
transaction by md and then into a network transaction through nfs back
to a filesystem transaction on the remote machine (remember md is
working on the file) which is then blocked by the remote filesystem.
Did I miss anything?

As I understand, NBD is just a little driver that lets you mount
foo:/dev/ad0s1g over the network and proxies the block transactions


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.       | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |  equal if and only if they |
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