'k, I'm used to vinum from back in 4.x days, but now running 6.x, am looking at using geom ... and am not sure exactly what I can do ...

Pointers to tutorials always appreciated ...

Basically, I have 5x72G drives ... I'd *love* to do RAID5 with them, but that doesn't appear to be available right now, so, figure I'll go with a RAID0+1 with hotspare configuration, if possible ... ?

Now, trying to parse the geom man page(s), I'm not sure if the hotspare option is even ... an option ... if it is, please point me to where I should be looking for this ...

So, again, if I'm reading through things correctly, I'll have to do something like:

gstripe st1 da1 da2
gstripe st2 da3 da4
gmirror drive st1 st2
newfs drive

is this correct, or am I *totally* missing something here?

Thanks ...

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
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