On 2007/01/18 14:24, Greg Albrecht seems to have typed:
> threading of messages. this allows me to see each reply to a
> message after the original message, in succession. i understand that
> different people configure and use their email clients in different
> ways, but why is there such a pandering towards one versus the other.

I think the bigger problem is when a few people do it one way and
everyone else does it another way.    The consensus on this list has
been time after time, "bottom-posting".  Nothing is harder to read or
interpret who said what than when a couple "top-posts" and everyone else
"bottom-posts".  Also, as Greg (groggy)'s e-mail demonstrates,
"bottom-posting" fits well with the philosophy of answering each
question one by one as you flow down the message.  e.g.:

> Question 1

Answer 1

> Question 2

Answer 2

This is not possible (or not as clear) with "top-posting".
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