On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Gary Schenk wrote:
<major snippage>
> Mike has suggested that Pine does not need fetchmail. That makes sense. In
> the Pine man pages it says c-client is used to access mail severs. I cannot
> find help for c-client. Nor do I find a place to tell Pine about my ISP's
> pop3 server. In chapter 25 of FreeBSD Unleashed it states that fetchmail is
> needed for mutt and Pine.
> I chose to install Pine because I believed it to be a beginner's program. I
> tried to setup Balsa, and no matter what I place in the settings preferences
> I can't get it to work either. It seems a simple problem. I have mail on my
> ISP's pop3 server. I want to retrieve it and  read it. "Get this there and
> bring it here". It seems simple, but how do I tell FreeBSD to do this?
> This is incredibly frustrating. Not just for me, I've gotten email from
> another beginner who can't get his mail to work either. Perhaps this is a
> question for the documentation project?
> Gary

I've used lots of email clients and Pine is my favorite. However, I had 
the same problem you are. First I solved it by setting up postfix to do it 
for me (fix the return address). Then I found I could specify the headers 
in the pine configuration. Go to the setup section of pine (while it's 
running) and setup up headers as I did:

customized-hdrs          = Reply-To: John Bleichert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            
                           From: John Bleichert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                

That should clear it up. As I said earlier in this email chain, to just 
plain old 'get going' with email in Unix it's best to use e.g. Netscape or 
Mozilla mail or kmail as they work like the usual email clients. Most 
other Unix clients rely on the system mail to function properly which can 
make them tuff to set up if say your username on the box doesnt match that 
at your ISP.

Hope that helps. I don't know balsa, never used it, but in my first 
several years in Linux/BSD I clung to my Netscape email like a liferaft :)


#  John Bleichert 
#  http://vonbek.dhs.org/latest.jpg

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