Sunday, February 2, 2003, 1:50:20 PM, you wrote:

P> Hello... I have three hard drives in my system.  One of them (the first)
P> is the system disk.  I'm trying to get the other two ready to be a
P> mirrored volume.  No matter which of the last two drives is last, that
P> one always is listed as "amnesiac" when I do a disklabel on it:

P> ==============================
P> [root@archive 13:44:07 root]# disklabel ar2
P> # /dev/ar2:
P> type: unknown
P> disk: amnesiac
P> label: fictitious
P> flags:
P> bytes/sector: 512
P> sectors/track: 63
P> tracks/cylinder: 255
P> sectors/cylinder: 16065
P> cylinders: 3737
P> sectors/unit: 60036417
P> rpm: 3600
P> interleave: 1
P> trackskew: 0
P> cylinderskew: 0
P> headswitch: 0           # milliseconds
P> track-to-track seek: 0  # milliseconds
P> drivedata: 0

P> 8 partitions:
P> #        size   offset    fstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
P>   c: 60036417        0    unused        0     0         # (Cyl.    0 - 3737*)
P> ==============================

P> What does this mean?  Whichever drive is last, that's the one I cannot
P> "disklabel -e" to set its fstype to "vinum".

P> Thanks,
P> pete

Maybe I'm being obvious here but have you tried a different cable
and/or controller?

First step: eliminate hardware as the cause.

Ben                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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