At 07:43 AM 2.4.2003 +0100, Ruben de Groot wrote:
>On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 12:16:23AM -0500, aSe typed:
>> >This is not a matter of diskspace. The kernel holds a fixed length table
>> >in memory with all open files. If this table gets full it usually means 
>> >one of two things:
>> >
>> >1) You have a runaway application, opening way too many files. Identify 
>> >the application and fix or disable it.
>> >
>> >2) You're running a kernel with a too low value for maxusers (which, 
>> >among other things, determines the maximum amount of open files). The 
>> >default in 4.7-RELEASE is 0, which means: optimize according to amount 
>> >of memory installed. The default is usually O.K. If not, one option is
>> >to simply install more memory.
>> The machine itself runs several logging applications and things of that
>> nature. I didn't think It was an issue with HD. Nor do I believe its ram,
>> It has 512mb installed, and 256mb of swap. As it stands right now it has
>> 270mb free and hasn't touched the swap. Right now maxusers is set to 6, 
>> I didn't realize it would play a role in this instance.
>You should set maxusers to 0. That way, it will be sized at boot time 
>according to the amount of memory you installed.
>> Jack Stone suggested looking up the number of max open files by doing 
>> "sysctl kern.maxfiles" It returns only "232" which to me seems like a 
>> very small number. He also suggested to change it using 
>> "sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=4160."
>> My question to you is, does maxusers play more of a role then just
>> the max number of open files. In the long run would it be better to
>> just set maxusers to 0 or just change the kern.maxfiles?
>It does. According to tuning(7):
>     kern.maxusers controls the scaling of a number of static system tables,
>     including defaults for the maximum number of open files, sizing of net-
>     work memory resources, etc.
>You can set maxusers to 0 by either recompiling your kernel or by setting 
>the value in loader.conf(5)
>> Thank you!
>> Gordon Keesler [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

BTW, in looking at the tuning(7), it specifically says this about maxfiles.
Note the "typically a few thousand" setting:

The kern.maxfiles sysctl determines how many open files the system sup-
     ports.  The default is typically a few thousand but you may need to bump
     this up to ten or twenty thousand if you are running databases or large
     descriptor-heavy daemons.  The read-only kern.openfiles sysctl may be
     interrogated to determine the current number of open files on the system.

Best regards,
Jack L. Stone,

SageOne Net

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