On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 00:38:11 -0500, Mikhail Teterin wrote:
> If we want people to give FreeBSD a try in good faith, it is both profoundly 
> stupid and dishonest on our part to claim, we have a working USB-system... It 
> does not matter, how great our buffer-sharing VM is, if a home user can't 
> process their photos with a FreeBSD-powered computer.
While I have not experienced difficulty with umass, I would have to comment
that as near as I can tell, *nothing* else on USB works.  Not my scanner, nor
my Treo.

Both have worked intermittently in the recent past, so I believe my 
is not at issue.

David Benfell, LCP
Resume available at http://www.parts-unknown.org/
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