E. J. Cerejo wrote:
> On Saturday 09 February 2008 12:29:16 Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> E. J. Cerejo wrote:
>>> Running FBSD 6.3 and after updating the ports where icu was one of the
>>> ports to be updated I'm getting the libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object
>>> "libicui18n.so.36" not found, required by "evolution" error, I can see
>>> that the new version of icu installed "libicui18n.so.38".  Is there a
>>> better way to fix this or should I just symlink "libicui18n.so.38" to
>>> "libicui18n.so.36"?
>> Nope.  Symlinking shlibs of different ABI versions together is the
>> wrong answer.  There's a reason the ABI version number was bumped,
>> and it indicates the new shlib is not compatible with the old one.
>> Formally, the correct fix is:
>>    # portupgrade -rf icu-\*
>> or the equivalent in whatever ports management software you prefer.
>> However this is pretty unfortunate as icu is a basic component that
>> a large number of packages depend upon.  Expect to spend a long time
>> compiling.
>> Oh, and it's a good idea to update as the latest icu fixes some
>> security problems.  See
>>    http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-4770
>>    http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-4771
>>    http://secunia.com/advisories/28575/
>>      Cheers,
>>      Matthew
> Thanks for the answer but there's no way that I'm going to do that, it's just 
> too many apps, pkg_info tells me this:
> Information for icu-3.8.1:
> Required by:
> ORBit2-2.14.12
> abiword-gnome-2.4.6_3
> alacarte-0.11.3_2
> amarok-1.4.8
> arts-1.5.8,1
> at-spi-1.20.1
> atk-1.20.0
> avahi-0.6.22
> avahi-app-0.6.22_1
> bug-buddy-2.20.1
> cairomm-1.2.4_1
> ccsm-0.6.0
> compiz-0.6.2
> compiz-fusion-0.6.0
> compiz-fusion-plugins-extra-0.6.0
> compiz-fusion-plugins-main-0.6.0
> compizconfig-backend-gconf-0.6.0_1
> compizconfig-python-
> dasher-4.6.1,1
> dbus-glib-0.74
> deskbar-applet-2.20.3
> desktop-file-utils-0.14
> eel-2.20.0
> ekiga-2.0.11_1
> emerald-0.5.2_1
> enchant-1.3.0
> eog-2.20.4
> epiphany-2.20.3
> evince-2.20.2
> evolution-2.12.3
> evolution-data-server-1.12.3_1
> evolution-exchange-2.12.3
> evolution-webcal-2.12.0
> fast-user-switch-applet-2.20.0
> file-roller-2.20.3,1
> firefox-,1
> ftpcube-0.5.1_1
> gail-1.20.2
> gamin-0.1.9
> gcalctool-5.20.2_1,2
> gconf-editor-2.20.0,1
> gconf2-2.20.1
> gdm-2.20.3
> gedit-2.20.4
> gftp-2.0.18_6
> gimp-2.4.3,2
> gimp-app-2.4.3,1
> gimp-gutenprint-5.1.3_2
> gimp-help-0.12
> gkrellm-2.3.1_1
> glib-2.14.6
> glibmm-2.14.2,1
> gmime-2.2.15
> gmime-sharp-2.2.15
> gnash-0.8.1_1
> gnome-applets-2.20.1
> gnome-control-center-2.20.3
> gnome-desktop-2.20.3
> gnome-games-2.20.3
> gnome-games-extra-data-2.20.0
> gnome-icon-theme-2.20.0_1
> gnome-keyring-2.20.3
> gnome-keyring-manager-2.20.0
> gnome-mag-0.14.10
> gnome-media-2.20.1
> gnome-menus-2.20.3
> gnome-mount-0.6_4
> gnome-netstatus-2.12.1_4
> gnome-nettool-2.20.0,1
> gnome-panel-2.20.3
> gnome-power-manager-2.20.2
> gnome-session-2.20.3
> gnome-sharp-2.16.0_4
> gnome-speech-0.4.18
> gnome-spell-1.0.8
> gnome-system-monitor-2.20.2
> gnome-system-tools-2.20.0
> gnome-terminal-2.18.4
> gnome-themes-2.20.2
> gnome-themes-extras-2.20_1
> gnome-utils-,1
> gnome-vfs-2.20.1
> gnome-volume-manager-2.17.0_8
> gnome2-2.20.2
> gok-1.3.7,1
> grip-3.2.0_15
> gstreamer-0.10.15
> gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.3
> gstreamer-plugins-0.10.15,3
> gstreamer-plugins-a52dec-0.10.6_2,3
> gstreamer-plugins-bad-0.10.5_2,3
> gstreamer-plugins-cdparanoia-0.10.15_3,3
> gstreamer-plugins-core-0.10_9
> gstreamer-plugins-dts-0.10.5_3,3
> gstreamer-plugins-dvd-0.10.6_1,3
> gstreamer-plugins-esound-0.10.6_2,3
> gstreamer-plugins-flac-0.10.6_2,3
> gstreamer-plugins-gconf-0.10.6_4,3
> gstreamer-plugins-gnomevfs-0.10.15_2,3
> gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.6,3
> gstreamer-plugins-hal-0.10.6_1,3
> gstreamer-plugins-libpng-0.10.6_2,3
> gstreamer-plugins-mad-0.10.6_3,3
> gstreamer-plugins-mp3-0.10.0
> gstreamer-plugins-mpeg2dec-0.10.6_2,3
> gstreamer-plugins-ogg-0.10.15_2,3
> gstreamer-plugins-pango-0.10.15_2,3
> gstreamer-plugins-theora-0.10.15_4,3
> gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.6_1,3
> gstreamer-plugins-vorbis-0.10.15_3,3
> gstreamer-plugins-xvid-0.10.5_1,3
> gtk-2.12.7
> gtk-engines2-2.12.2
> gtk-sharp-2.10.2_1
> gtkhtml3-3.16.3
> gtkmm-2.12.4
> gtksourceview-1.8.5_2
> gtksourceview2-2.0.2
> gtkspell-2.0.11_5
> gucharmap-gnome-1.10.2
> gutenprint-base-5.1.3_1
> hal-
> k3b-1.0.4
> kde-windeco-crystal-1.0.4
> kde-windeco-neos-0.2b_4
> kdeaccessibility-3.5.8
> kdeartwork-3.5.8
> kdeartwork-xscreensaver-kde-3.5.8
> kdebase-3.5.8_1
> kdebase-kompmgr-3.5.8
> kdeedu-3.5.8
> kdegames-3.5.8
> kdegraphics-3.5.8_1
> kdegraphics-kamera-3.5.8
> kdegraphics-kooka-3.5.8
> kdegraphics-kuickshow-3.5.8
> kdelibs-3.5.8
> kdemultimedia-3.5.8
> kdemultimedia-xine_artsplugin-3.5.8
> kdenetwork-3.5.8
> kdepim-3.5.8
> kdetoys-3.5.8
> kdeutils-3.5.8
> koffice-1.6.3_3,2
> libIDL-0.8.10
> libafterimage-1.15_1
> libbonobo-2.20.4
> libbonoboui-2.20.0
> libcroco-0.6.1
> libgail-gnome-1.20.0
> libglade2-2.6.2
> libgnome-
> libgnomecanvas-
> libgnomecups-0.2.2_4,1
> libgnomekbd-2.20.0
> libgnomeprint-2.18.3
> libgnomeprintui-2.18.2
> libgnomeui-
> libgpod-0.6.0
> libgsf-1.14.7
> libgtkhtml-2.11.1
> libgtop-2.20.1
> libnotify-0.4.4_1
> liboobs-2.20.0
> libopensync-0.22_1
> libpurple-2.3.1_1
> librsvg2-2.20.0
> libsexy-0.1.11
> libsoup-2.2.104
> libwnck-2.20.3
> libwpd-0.8.9_1
> libxine-1.1.10_1
> libxklavier-3.3_1,1
> libxml++-2.20.0
> linc-1.0.3_6
> linux-flashplugin-7.0r73
> metacity-2.20.2
> mono-
> monodoc-1.2.5
> mplayer-0.99.11_1
> nautilus-2.20.0
> nautilus-cd-burner-2.20.0_1
> notification-daemon-0.3.7_1
> nspluginwrapper-
> nvidia-settings-1.0_12
> nvu-1.0_6
> openoffice.org-2.3.1_1
> orca-2.20.3
> pango-1.18.4
> pidgin-2.3.1
> policykit-0.1.20060514_4
> poppler-gtk-0.6.4
> py25-dbus-0.82.4
> py25-gnome-2.20.1
> py25-gnome-desktop-2.20.0
> py25-gobject-2.14.1
> py25-gtk-2.12.1
> py25-orbit-2.14.3
> py25-wxPython-common-
> py25-wxPython-unicode-
> sdl-1.2.11_2,2
> seahorse-2.20.3
> shared-mime-info-0.23
> sound-juicer-2.20.1
> system-tools-backends-2.4.1
> tomboy-0.8.0_1
> totem-2.20.3
> tracker-0.6.2_2
> ubuntulooks-0.9.12_3
> vino-2.20.1
> vlc-0.8.6.d,2
> vte-0.16.12
> wv-1.2.4_1
> wv2-0.2.3_1
> wxgtk2-2.6.3_5
> wxgtk2-common-2.6.3_3
> wxgtk2-common-2.8.5
> wxgtk2-contrib-2.6.3_2
> wxgtk2-contrib-common-2.6.3_2
> wxgtk2-unicode-2.6.3_4
> wxgtk2-unicode-2.8.5
> wxgtk2-unicode-contrib-2.6.3_2
> xcdroast-0.98.a.15_8
> xchat-2.8.4_4
> xf86-input-keyboard-1.2.2_1
> xf86-input-mouse-1.2.3
> xf86-video-nv-2.1.7
> xf86-video-radeonhd-1.1.0
> xf86-video-vga-4.1.0_1
> xorg-7.3_1
> xorg-drivers-7.3_1
> xorg-protos-7.3
> xorg-server-1.4_4,1
> xscreensaver-gnome-4.24_6
> yelp-2.20.0
> zenity-2.20.1
> I'll symlink it for now even if that represents some security problems.

Seems the ability to correctly deal with Unicode text is pretty
fundamental nowadays.

I do wonder though if *all* of those apps or shlibs link against
libicu directly, of if it is possible to just update some intermediate
library which most of the above link against and that in its turn
links against libicu.  Hmmmm... Unfortunately none of the existing ports
management tools could tell you that.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey     Ramsgate
                                                  Kent, CT11 9PW
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