On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 10:34 PM, Peter Boosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Novembre wrote:
>  >
>  > Anyhow, smbd was looking for libgnutls.so.13 which I don't have, but I
>  > do have a libgnutls.so.26 and libgnutls.so in /usr/local/lib/ (the
>  > latter is a symlink to the former). Also, libgnutls.so.15 exists in
>  > /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg/. So what I did was creating a symlink to
>  > libgnutls.so.26 and called it libgnutls.so.13, and after rebooting,
>  > smbd starts just fine. I don't know whether I'm allowed to do such a
>  > thing or not, but since I didn't get any error message while upgrading
>  > samba, I don't know what could have gone wrong...
>  >
>  > Any ideas? :)
>  >
>  You probably missed this one (from UPDATING):
>  20080303:
>    AFFECTS: users of security/gnutls and any port that depends on it
>    gnutls has been updated to 2.2.2 and all shared libraries' versions
>    have been bumped. So you need to rebuild all applications that
>    depend on gnutls. Do something like:
>          portupgrade -rf gnutls
>  Peter
>  --
>  http://www.boosten.org

I've read UPDATING before doing anything, but I assumed that "
portupgrade -faP " also covers that part about gnutls as well. Isn't
it true? Unless portupgrade did upgrade samba first and then gnutls,
which means it's not smart enough!

Am I wrong?
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