> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wojciech Puchar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 2:32 PM
> To: Ted Mittelstaedt
> Cc: Chuck Robey; Kurt Buff; FreeBSD Questions; Derek Ragona;
> Subject: RE: Duplex printer advice
> my HP LaserJet 4 shows 122000 pages, was 88000 when i bought it 
> for 100PLN 
> (about 40$)+another 100 for made-in-Poland new ink cardridge (enough for 
> about 8000-10000 pages).
> HP LaserJet 4 and 3 is excellent, anything newer - crap, as HP joined 
> others in making craps so every year user has to buy new one.

The 5Si is also an excellent printer.

The higher-end HP LJ's are not crap, and last many many years too.
The problem is that around the post-4 and post-5 years HP started
coming out with the personal LJ printers, which are all crap,
and jacked up the price of the workgroup printers to prevent 
sabotaging the sales of the cheap crap.
> > My HP Laserjet 4+ at home is the oldest operating piece of
> > computer equipment I have.  And I fully expect it to last
> > another decade, and once it dies, I have another one in the
> > basement that I picked up for $50 - WITH a duplexer.
> i don't think it will stop within 10 years. but do you have original 
> HP manual? if not - i have for laserjet 4 in PDF.
> do not try to disassembly without it :)

I do, and have repaired many fuser idler gears in these printers,
as that is usually what gets teeth broken off it and is responsible
for most of the jams.

Ebay is flooded with cheap HP LJ 4 parts.  I kind of suspect that
somewhere in China is a company that produces counterfeits of these
and other popular HP Laserjets.

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