On Sat, 7 Jun 2008 15:00:27 -0500
Derek Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I have tried using swfdec-plugin to do flash, but it doesnt seem to
> work too well at least with firefox. 
> One ... I prefer being able to select what flash loads automaticly and 
> Two ... I like to be able to see the flash video but all it does is
> freeze
> I can't seem to get linux-flashplugin7 anymore due to the restricted
> status. Flashplugin9 locks up also, which we all know already. I have
> heard gnash doesnt do much better... Anyone have a solution that works
> halfway?

I just installed the "HEAD" version of Gnash today, and I must say, it's
working much, much better than the official release version (0.8.3).
Sites that malfunctioned before are now displaying properly at last!

See http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/#downloading for instructions on
how to get the source code.  You'll also need to install devel/bazaar-ng
in order to fetch it.

      (1) God exists.
      (2) Can I prove it?  Probably.
      (3) Therefore, God exists.
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