Mel Flynn writes:

>  > Can I ask one more possibly really dumb question, to which I
>  >  can find no answer: Is there a 'conventional', or sensible
>  >  for one reason oranother, place to download application source to?
>  Most systems I use or inherited use a variation of ~/src ~/cvs or
>  ~/svn, where src are the tarballs + their extracted source and
>  cvs/svn checkouts and/or exports.

        I have never done this, but if I were running a private ports
tree I would be tempted to root it (if not on a separate partition)
at "/usr/priv_ports" or something similar and have the structure
minic /usr/ports whereever possible.  The name would then be
semi-intuitive, and a simple change of a few environment variables
(perhaps in the login file of an account dedicated to working on
those ports) would be all it took to change the framework.

                                Robert Huff

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