Matthew Seaman wrote:
> PJ wrote:
>> Is there any definitive install guide for flashplugin.
>> I was able to install it on a 7.2 64bit machine and then on an i386 but
>> somehow it has morphed into god-knows-what and no longer works.
> This is what I did for a 7.2 box.  Note that there are compatibility
> issues between new versions of Linux emulation and older versions of
> FreeBSD, so don't expect this to work with anything older.
> * Make a note of all the linux-emulated software you have installed
>  for later reference:
>     # pkg_info -orx linux > linux-stuff
>  We save the package origins in particular, because this procedure
>  will result in a name change for most linux packages.
> * Delete everything linux related
>     # pkg_delete -rx linux
> * Check and clean out /compat/linux -- there shouldn't be any interesting
>  files left in this directory after the above step.  As I recall, when I
>  did this, there was a ldconfig.hints file (which would be regenerated on
>  demand), and some Acrobat related stuff under /compat/linux/home/matthew
>  which I didn't care about, and which shouldn't have been there anyhow.
>     # cd /compat/linux
>     # find . -type f -ls
>     # rm -rf *
> * Change the default Linux kernel version for emulation:
>     # sysctl compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.16
>  Also add "compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.16" to /etc/sysctl.conf so it
>  gets reset on reboots.
> * Tell the ports system we want to use Fedora-10 as the Linux base by
> adding
>   to /etc/make.conf.
> * Now install www/linux-f10-flashplugin10 from ports -- this should
> have all
>  of the following as dependencies (modulo any version updates that may
> have
>  happened since writing this):
>     % pkg_info -r linux-f10-flashplugin-10.0r32
>     Information for linux-f10-flashplugin-10.0r32:
>     Depends on:
>     Dependency: linux_base-f10-10_2
>     Dependency: linux-f10-openssl-0.9.8g
>     Dependency: linux-f10-openldap-2.4.12_1
>     Dependency: linux-f10-libssh2-0.18
>     Dependency: linux-f10-cyrus-sasl2-2.1.22
>     Dependency: linux-f10-curl-7.19.4_4
>     Dependency: linux-f10-nspr-4.7.4
>     Dependency: linux-f10-sqlite3-3.5.9_1
>     Dependency: linux-f10-nss-
>  if that isn't the case and you aren't getting the f10 flavour of those
>  ports, double check everything you've done so far for errors, and try
> again
>  from the top.
> * Add nspluginwrapper to enable Firefox to load the flash add-on:
>     # portinstall www/nspluginwrapper
>  (This has a dependency list as long as your arm, so it might take some
>  time...)
>  Following the install instructions for the nspluginwrapper package
> (which
>  you can redisplay by "pkg_info -Dx nspluginwrapper")  install
> whatever globally
>  available plugins there are by running this as root:
>     # nspluginwrapper -v -a -i
>  This puts plugins into /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/ which Firefox
> should
>  read.  Alternatively, install the plugins locally to your own user
> account
>  by running that command under your own UID:
>     % nspluginwrapper -v -a -i
> * Finally, fire up Firefox and check that it has loaded the flash
> plugin by
>  typing 'about:plugins' into the URL bar.  Find a site with flash
> content[*],
>  and enjoy.
> * Check the list you made at the first step, and reinstall any other
> linux
>  applications you want. 
> So far I've found flash10 under Fedora10 to be pretty stable and
> inoffensive
> on FreeBSD 7.2.  You even get the sound track on Flash movies. 
> However I'm
> still running Firefox with xpi-flashblock- and
> xpi-noscript- on general principles
> Adobe Acrobat isn't working, but I think that's more to do with the
> map_at_zero stuff introduced in the last security advisory.
>     Cheers,
>     Matthew
> [*] I think there are one or two flash based things at
Much appreciated, Matthew.
I will give it a shot... maybe I should have tried to clean things out
earlier... I was just too-dumb-lazy and din't know the shortcuts you
offer above.
Will let you know... but it may take some time as I have to catch up
with lost time & energy. :-)
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