On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 09:07:28PM -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Glen Barber <glen.j.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 9/23/10 8:31 PM, Chad Perrin wrote:
> >> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:24:58PM -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
> >>>
> >>> If you like xmonad, check out scrotwm. It's inspired by xmonad,
> >>> lightweight, written in C by oBSD dev, actively maintained, and
> >>> vim-like (among other things ;-).
> >>
> >> Why is "written in C" considered such a great benefit by the Scrotwm
> >> developer(s)?  Earlier today, I read this on the site:
> >>
> >>     "On the other hand xmonad has great defaults, key bindings and
> >>     xinerama support but is crippled by not being written in C."
> >>
> hahahahahahaha!
> >> What's up with that?  How does Haskell "cripple" xmonad?
> >>
> In the end, you need not take yourself so seriously.  The thread was
> generic enough to allow for some rhetorical flourish. I suggested
> something . . . pointed out that is written in C (as did the homepage)
> . . .  AND you concluded some sort of insult; not my problem.
> Do you need a rim-shot for every joke?

1. Who said I took insult?  You assume too much.

2. That was not a very clever joke, anyway.  Where's the punchline?

3. That doesn't answer my question about the Scrotwm page.

Even *I* am not so socially stunted as to think a comment like that on
the Scrotwm site would not raise some eyebrows.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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