----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Chvostek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 10:37 AM

> On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 10:12:22AM -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> >
> > :0:
> > * ^List-Id:[^<]+<freebsd-\/[^.]+
> > Maildir/FreeBSD/$MATCH/new
> >
> > And I'm getting messages like this in my procmail log:
> >
> > procmail: Assigning
> > procmail: Lock failure on "Maildir/FreeBSD/alpha/new.lock"
> > procmail: Error while writing to "Maildir/FreeBSD/alpha/new"
> >
> > OK, I assume the error is because Maildir/FreeBSD/alpha/new does not
> > exist.  How can I get procmail to create the directory it needs?
> As you no doubt read on the procmail manpage:
> |                  If the mailbox name ends  in  "/",  then  this
> |      directory  is presumed to be a maildir folder; i.e., proc-
> |      mail will deliver the message to a file in a  subdirectory
> |      named  "tmp"  and  rename  it  to be inside a subdirectory
> |      named "new".
> Now ... I obviously don't use maildir format, but to me, this would
> imply a format something like:
>   :0
>   * ^List-Id:[^<]+<freebsd-\/[^.]+
>   FreeBSD/$MATCH/
> I'm assuming that the leading "Maildir/" is redundant, as is the
> to the "new" folder.

Thanks for pointing out my oversight and all of the help so far.  I've
added the "/" and now my recipe is:

* ^List-Id:[^<]+<freebsd-\/[^.]+

However I get these messages from the procmail log:

procmail: Matched "test"
procmail: Match on "^List-Id:[^<]+<freebsd-\/[^.]+"
procmail: Unable to treat as directory "/Maildir/FreeBSD/test"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/Maildir/FreeBSD/test"
procmail: Opening "/Maildir/FreeBSD/test"
procmail: Error while writing to "/Maildir/FreeBSD/test"

I've tried without the leading "/", without the Maildir, and without
"/Maildir/" but I keep getting the same type of error.  Maildir is owned
by me and is mode 700.  I tried changing to 777 but that didn't help so
I put it back to 700.  According to the man page, the directory should
be created if it doesn't exist.  From the man page:

If the mailbox is specified  to  be an  MH  folder  or  maildir  folder,
procmail will create the necessary directories if they don't exist,
rather than treat  the  mailbox  as  a non-existent filename.

I feel I am close.  Can anyone enlighten me and point out what I'm



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