I am a Christian too. I go to church in the DFW area, and have friends in
the Internet business that are also Christians using FreeBSD for their web
servers, mail servers, etc. Nothing in the Bible says you cannot use
FreeBSD. I use it for a web server and firewall, and I never see the Daemon
image. Do you plan to look at the little Daemon logo every time you use
your computer? 

God gave you a brain to reason and think with, and to acquire knowledge
with. These types of statements are based on pure ignorance and potentially
give Christians a bad name. (As seen in previous responses)

The only caveat I can think of is in 1st Corinthians 10:31-33 where it says
"Do not cause anyone to stumble..." Again, I do not display the little
Daemon logo anywhere, so I think I'm OK. 

So in the future, I hope any Christian that wishes to use a far superior OS
for their server / workstation needs, will consider FreeBSD and get a
glimpse of this email. If questions remain, pray about your issue.

Any responses, flames, etc can be sent to me directly, please do not
clutter this list with topic any longer.

Ron Clark

mail2web - Check your email from the web at
http://mail2web.com/ .

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