On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 17:51:59 -0600
greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I have fomated the MBR on the second drive, so it is MSed. 

So it boots if you set the BIOS to boot from the first drive, right ?

> Previous to the FreeBSD install, I was dual booting Debian and the same
> Windows XP partition. I had to do some work configuring GRUB to get it
> to work. What worked was swapping HD0 and HD1 when I choose to boot XP.
> This would fool Windows XP into thinking it was booting off the first
> hard drive.

Take a look on the Recovery console by booting from the XP CD. It's the
infamous ntdlr thing. It is supposed to be fixable without reinstalling

> Is there a way to change loader.conf to do this. I have looked at the
> loader.conf fig help, and did not see any thing that would obviously do
> this.

No chance AFAIK.

> Maybe there is another boot loader I could use that would allow me to
> fool Windows XP into thinking it is the first hard drive?
> I would use GRUB, but it does not support being installed on a UFS2
> filesystem yet.

Try something like: 
Replace in /boot/grub/grub.conf something like:
   title BSD/UN*X FreeBSD 5.1 (UFS2)
        root (hd1,0,a)
        kernel /boot/loader
   title BSD/UN*X FreeBSD 5.1 (UFS2)
        root (hd1,0,a)
        chainloader +1

It is supposed to work. If not, post on [EMAIL PROTECTED] asking about how
to do it.

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