On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 00:16:09 -0800
"Loren M. Lang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am curious what some newbies experiences were with FreeBSD who
> have have no unix experience before.  I have someone that I might be
> setting up a unix workstation of some kind for and I'm debating
> whether I should use FreeBSD or some Linux distro like mandrake or
> debian.  I will be there most of the time to help if needed as this
> is for work and will not be his home desktop, at least not yet.  He
> only have some experience with using dos and windoze, but he does
> have some technical background with computers.

FreeBSD was my the first UNIX like system I've ever used... I found
the documentation to be very useful. As long as your willing to read,
it is easy :)
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