On Fri, 21 May 2004, carvin5string wrote:
> It would be nice to see some info about the differance between the
> system and user crontabs and how to properly create and use a user
> crontab, as well as when/why one would want to use a user crontab.

I missed the earlier parts of this exchange, so forgive me if I'm
repeating what's already been said.  User crontabs allow specific users
to run crons that are meaningful to them only, without cluttering up the
system crons (or having to be root to make changes).

Users create crontabs for themselves with the 'crontab -e' command.  The
format is described in the crontab(5) man page.

If you already have a file written in the proper format, you can load it
as your crontab by specifying 'crontab {filename}'. (That's what section
6.6.1 in the handbook is trying to say.  Unfortunately, it is not at all
clear on this.)

For instance, I have the following cron for user dcf on my home system:

dcf>$ crontab -l
# run fetchmail, dump results to cronlog
*/15 * * * *     /usr/local/bin/fetchmail --ssl -Z,571 >> /home/dcf/fetch.log
# timestamp fetch.log
0 * * * *        date >> /home/dcf/fetch.log
# clean tex, lyx files out of home dir
0 1 * * *        /home/dcf/.clean

David Fleck

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