In message <>, you wrote:

>On Sat, 24 May 2014, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>> Does FreeBSD support the "VIA VL800 Chipset" that this add-on card
>> is alleged to contain?
>Sorry, no idea.
>> Does FreeBSD *ever* work with *any* USB 3.0 equipment?  Or is this
>> just a far off dream?
>I used this card along with a USB 3 drive dock to copy a fair amount of 

Thanks Warren!

(I wish I had consulted with you two weeks ago before purchasing the
2+2 port HooToo card.)

>Admittedly, I'm a bit skeptical about USB 3 given how long USB 2 took to 
>mature in the industry as a whole.

As I've been saying, it all seems to work just fine on Linux.

>If possible, I'd prefer SATA/eSATA or Ethernet for transferring large 
>amounts of data.

Unfortunately, the HTPC I have in the livingroom doesn't have an eSATA
port.  (And there are no slots for any add-in cards or even space to
put an eSATA socket/connector.)

It does however have two (2) USB 3.0 built-in ports.

P.S.  Somebody on said that that Vantec card contains a
Renesas D720200A chipset.  So I guess we can check that one off as

Wish I had known that the VIA VL800 isn't.
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