On Wed, 2 Dec 2009, Justin Wong wrote:


I am having trouble getting ppp to work within vimages.  Without vimages, my
box is able to connect (via vr0 interface) and assign it to tun0.  With

Which version of FreeBSD are you using?

vimages, I assign vr0 to it (continuing with the name vr0 instead of eth0)
and ppp cannot detect it therefore I am unable to request for an IP.  I am
wondering whether this is a limitation on vimages/jails running ppp.

Here is the error I am receiving:

Dec  1 09:24:53 n2 ppp[1481]: tun0: Warning: deflink: PPPoE: unknown host
Dec  1 09:24:53 n2 ppp[1481]: tun0: Warning: deflink: PPPoE: unknown host
Dec  1 09:24:53 n2 ppp[1481]: tun0: Warning: deflink: Device (PPPoE:vr0)
must bee
gin with a '/', a '!' or contain at least one ':'

This sounds more like if you had some special charater in the config
file somewhere?

Dec  1 09:24:53 n2 ppp[1481]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Enter pause (0) for

Here is my ppp.conf:

which I just started inside a vimage (with a different interface name)
and it started just fine in -foreground, even though I don't have a
single netgraph module loaded (in base system).

I also attempted to assign tun0 to a vimage, but it seems to lose its IP.

What you would do if you have ppp running in base and want the data
inside a vimage is to use a bridge.  If you move an interface between
network stacks basically all upper layer configuration is reset and
initialized as if the interface was just created.

Bjoern A. Zeeb         It will not break if you know what you are doing.
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