Hi Andriy,

I am very new to bhyve, so sorry if I am asking something silly or obvious.
I am using bhyve to speed up my testing and it seems that each time I need to
restart a VM I need to go through the cycle of destroying it with bhyvectl
--destroy, then re-loading a kernel with bhyveload and then actually booting the
VM with bhyve.  It seems that I have to do this even if I don't change th kernel
between reboots.  My first naive impression was that the point of bhyveload was
to load the kernel once.  Seems it ain't so?

bhyveload does the job of what BIOS/boot0/1/2/loader would do on real h/w, so it has to be executed each time on restart.

One optimization to the cycle you mentioned is that bhyvectl --destroy only has to be done when the VM is no longer needed i.e you can loop with bhyveload/bhyve.


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