I'm just replying the thread to indicate that I've created a blog to join 
efforts building FreeBSD on EC2 ; if you have time and are interested about 
making this happen, inform me of your efforts, I'm trying to follow everything 
that's going on on the subject :  http://freebsdec2.wordpress.com/


> Hi everyone !
> I'm trying to find out if anyone succeeded to run FreeBSD on EC2. Well to be 
> honest,  I'm trying to run FreeBSD on EC2 myself, but since I haven't found 
> any way to do this... ;-)
> - I just saw 2 netbst images on EC2 named 
> fbsdtest/netbsd-image-5.0.2-i386.manifest.xml and 
> fbsdtest/netbsd-image-5.0.2-amd64.manifest.xml
> Those are both public images. I haven't tried them yet but if someone 
> managed to run netbst I think we're quiet close to have some fun on 
> FreeBSD now.
> There seems to have more and more  notifiable attempts and we seem closer to 
> the target :
> - 
> http://www.ioncannon.net/system-administration/1205/installing-cent-os-5-5-on-ec2-with-the-cent-os-5-5-kernel/
> here an article of a (failed) attempt with FreeBSD (at the end of the article)
> If anyone has more informations on the subject, could you please update this 
> list so we stay updated on the matter ?
> Thanks !
> Z.
> --
> My dojo & zend framework experience, the good, the bad with code samples ;-)
> http://practicalphpajax.wordpress.com/
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