On 05-30 14:55, Lukas Laukamp wrote:
> Am 29.05.2012 00:48, schrieb Witold Baryluk:
> >On 05-29 00:24, Lukas Laukamp wrote:
> >>Am 29.05.2012 00:03, schrieb Witold Baryluk:
> >>>On 05-28 20:47, Lukas Laukamp wrote:
> >>>>Am 28.05.2012 20:02, schrieb Carsten Heesch:
> >>>>>Hi Lukas,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>[...] I don't know whether there is support for Xen Dom0 on FreeBSD.
> >>>>>Unfortunately there isn't.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>I read that NetBSD support Xen Dom0 [...]
> >>>>>I haven't tried myself, but apparently NetBSD works rather well as Dom0. 
> >>>>>That has long been on my list of things to test, though :)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Not sure if you are aware of it, but in order to run FreeBSD as DomU, 
> >>>>>you don't need FreeBSD or NetBSD as Dom0. That works just as well on 
> >>>>>your Debian Dom0. (With FreeBSD's known limitations as DomU, namely 
> >>>>>memory and architecture depending on PV or HVM virtualisation)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Cheers
> >>>>>C.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>Hello Carsten,
> >>>>
> >>>>thanks for your fast answer. That FreeBSD as DomU runs on Linux I
> >>>>know. So I only think that it is a bit tricky to build a PV DomU of
> >>>>FreeBSD because the kernel must be modified. I wan't to have another
> >>>>system like Linux as the host because I think that the BSDs are
> >>>>better in the stability and a few other points. I read in the
> >>>>english Wikipedia article about Xen that there is support for
> >>>>NetBSD, OpenBSD and OpenSolaris
> >>>>(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xen#Host:_Unix-like_systems).
> >>>>
> >>>BTW. I read yeasterday that Windows Server 2008 with Hyper-V is able to
> >>>run XEN PV domU Linux on it. It probably is also able to run other Xen
> >>>domU guests, but probably nobody was trying to do so. I do not know
> >>>details, but it was what I read about Hyper-V hypervisor on Wikipedia.
> >>>In fact it looks like independent implementation of Xen compatible
> >>>hypervisor (it uses same hypercall api, but I do not know with which
> >>>version of Xen it is compatible) with Windows as dom0.
> >>>
> >>>Not that anybody would want to run it, but just saying.
> >>>
> >>Hello Witold,
> >>
> >>Hyper-V can do that because Microsoft has co-operation contracts
> >>with Citrix who is one of the primary maintainers of Xen. So the try
> >>to build compatibility between Xen and Hyper-V. Personaly I wouldn't
> >>use Hyper-V because it's not that great like for example VMWares
> >>vSphere.
> >>
> >Ah, yes Citrix. This makes sense.
> >
> >
> >>But for the productive working I use Xen and KVM at the moment. And
> >>as I started to think to change to BSD I first looked which
> >>virtualization technologies are available on BSD. I thought that the
> >>best solution would be Xen because KVM don't is available for BSD
> >>and other solutions like QEmu, VirtualBox or the BSD Hypervisor
> >>BHyVe are very great for testing and home and so I would say the
> >>development command and control center but not for server
> >>virtualization or other things which provides services which are
> >>needed for productive use.
> >>
> >>When I look at the wikis and read about the support for Xen on other
> >>unix like systems I only see NetBSD or Solaris (and it's forks) for
> >>a realy good Dom0.
> >>
> >>So does someone can explain the differences between FreeBSD and
> >>NetBSD? I see not so much without looking for the supported hardware
> >>platforms. The BSD with the most differences I think is OpenBSD.
> >>
> >>And the other thing is that I never worked with Solaris, but it
> >>seems that they have great Xen support. So I don't know whether it
> >>would be a good choice. I think that I will have much to learn to
> >>work good with a BSD but I hope it's possible for me.
> >>
> >I personally would like to switch to FreeBSD domO mainly due to the ZFS
> >storage (its snapshots, easier atomic backups and zvol, fast cloning,
> >and easier exporting via iSCSI). I know I can do almost all of it using
> >LVM, just not so easly and reliabiliy or automatically.
> >
> >I currently use Debian GNU/Linux, and I'm very happy, espcially due
> >package system, but considering there is Debian kfreebsd, I would like
> >to make switch in the future when domO will be available. I now use
> >kfreebsd (with 9.0 kernel) as domU without bigger issues.
> >
> >As of NetBSD i have no idea of good distinguishing differences. It is
> >more portable than FreeBSD for sure (which its domO support proofs), but
> >there is many small differences, including hardware drivers or various
> >subsystems scalability performance for examples. I belive there is still
> >code exchange between various BSD operating systems due similar
> >internals and libearal licensing (especially networking code and
> >networking drivers).
> >
> >I would somehow be carefull with Solaris, as Oracle isn't very
> >open-source friendly IMHO (despite its ocfs or btrfs work). I also
> >failed to run Solaris on the Xen, but it may be my incompetence. :(
> >
> Hey all,
> I answer to this mail because it's related to the discussion in this
> thread. As told I have my Debian Dom0s and now I wan't to create a
> FreeBSD Xen PV DomU. Does I really need a HVM guest like described
> here: 
> http://wiki.sysconfig.org.uk/display/howto/Xen+FreeBSD+8.2+DomU+%28PV%29+--+Step+by+Step+Howto
> I already downloaded the prepared DomU Image but it's version 8.2
> and not 8.3 or 9.0 so could I simply upgrade the guest to 8.3 for
> example?
> Because of the thing with kfreebsd on Debian I look into the
> repositorys of my AMD64 DomUs but I can only find the FreeBSD kernel
> sources. Can I simply compile this kernel with special options to
> get a working DomU kernel or do I have to take another way?
> best regards

HVM is not needed. I sucesfully installed freebsd 9.0 on Debian squeezy
i386 with PV few months ago (and given precise instructions for it). No
compilation was involved.

It involves getting:
  - official FreeBSD 8.0 ISO image
    $ wget 
  - official kfreebsd kernal available in non-kfreebsd Debian repo
    $ apt-get install kfreebsd-image-xen
    (available also in http://packages.debian.org/sid/kfreebsd-image-9.0-1-xen)
  - seting up xen .cfg file for installation [1], and empty disk image [2]
    given below
  - using serial console for installation using normal official Freebsd 


A config for installation:

$ cat kfreebsd9.cfg
name = "my-freebsd"
kernel = "/boot/kfreebsd-9.0-1-xen.gz"
extra = "vfs.root.mountfrom=cd9660:/dev/da1"
memrory = 256
disks = [

Set up a empty 10GB disk image.

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/kfreebsd9-disk1.img bs=1M count=0 skip=10000

Start machine:

$ xm-or-xl create kfreebsd.cfg -c

Install what you want, then using 'ansi' terminal over this serial line.

after install go to shell, and add xen console to /etc/inittab file!
Then remember to clearly shutdown.

Then change config to this ones:

$ cat kfreebsd9.cfg
name = "my-freebsd"
kernel = "/boot/kfreebsd-9.0-1-xen.gz"
extra = "vfs.root.mountfrom=ufs:/dev/da0p2"
memrory = 256
disks = [

And start again:

$ xm-or-xl create kfreebsd.cfg -c

Log in and do the rest of setup, like network configuration.

I think it is simplest method.

For further references:

   - http://www.mail-archive.com/freebsd-xen@freebsd.org/msg01178.html

Witold Baryluk
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