Hi Tom,

Many thanks, this is the kind of replies I was hoping to have. I just add my two cents,

tom ehlert escribió:
I'd like to launch a proposal as well:

a) remove all components that don't work like
   DEFRAG's that don't do anything
   DEFRAG's that thrash FAT32 because they don't understand FAT32

As Eric said, I think DEFRAG DOES something with FAT16.
I haven't tested under FAT32, but is it documented to trash FAT32 partitions? in that case, I'll fill (or someone'll) a bug report, and it should be a FreeDOS 1.0 showstopper.

b) decide which chkdsk to use; providing 2,3 or more is as
   unuserfrienly as possible - if YOU can't decide which one to use,
   how's a user supposed to choose ?

This is certainly a serious issue, and I agree. I am also into removing a SCANDISK that does nothing. I remember that in MS-DOS 6.X, CHKDSK would show a message advising you to use Scandisk. Perhaps there should be a message in our CHKDSK advising to use DOSFSCK for FAT32.

c) make it a DOS distribution  ( ~1-2 MB), not a pile of each and
   every more or less useful or useless programm that happens to
   work on freedos; provide a hyperlink for [more packets]

It is nice to have a full distribution like Blair's, but I'd personally like a compact (not just floppy) distribution, as the officials by Bernd, 10MB of what you need.

Finally there are these two related to swapping. I currently ignore the
status of these two, if someone can explain/advocate for these two I'd
be happy, thanks.
- Swapping without any supporting secondary programs (KSSF.COM and VSPAWN.COM)

freecom-swap ?

- Redirection in conjunction with Swapping

supported by freecom-swap

I remember that in older versions of FreeCOM you had to use external programs (was it KSSF?) to swap it out, but I ignore the current status
of swapping.

it's either freecom-swap or
  KSSF + CALL /S + no redirection + a couple of other issues

I don't know much about the world of FreeCOM's, but doesn't this mean that this is already done, and should be marked as such in the FreeCOM milestones? (Jeremy?)

Okay, as yours was almost the only opinion on that, my own is that I agree, I'd say that FreeCOM is ready for FreeDOS 1.0 up to bugs, so let's see about the rest of the programs (you already mentioned).

I propose:
(1) I'd like to hear what people has to say about the remaining features of ATAPICDD (DMA transfer, error checking, ASPI support, Eltorito support), I remember that it was mentioned that this program shouldn't stop FreeDOS 1.0 because it didn't exist in MS-DOS. Well, I have personally always considered that it's a real MS-DOS nuisance not to have one, and always relaying on manufacturer's file (not being able to use CD-ROM since the very installation time). I am not saying all the features, and I don't really know what is meant by "error checking", but I'd say that DMA transfer is a real need, if you can notice the CD-ROM to be many orders of magnitude slower than the disk (on the other hand, it could delay the release of FreeDOS 1.0 too much). Also what is experimentally the % of "hits" of CD-ROM drives for which it is working? (2) KEYB, DISPLAY, NLSFUNC: They are basically finished, and with the time I have till Bernd releases a new Service Release of beta9 (or perhaps Beta10?) I hope to have the first two this Christmas at the latest. Once the "advanced" COUNTRY= stuff is merged into the kernel, and DISPLAY becomes a device driver, possibly it's time to think about NLSFUNC too. (3) The MEM switches: I think there's some work on that now, which I'm happy about. I personally think that this is a FreeDOS 1.0 showstopper. It is not nice when you use MEM and the switches are completely others.

IMHO the stuff about PRINT should be moved for later (FD 1.1), as few people seem to be using PRINT or have complained, right?

Comments please?

(Next and last: buglist; OUCH! 130 listed at bugzilla, it'll be hard to read them all :-().


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