My two cents on this topic:
Basically unless someone else steps in to help, given the desire to release a FreeDOS 1.0 soon enough, FreeCom 0.84 and Kernel 2035b will most likely be what is ready. Where FreeCom 0.84 will simply be FreeCom cvs as is with the translation issue done, and kernel 2035b will simply be 2035a + merged stuff (eg country) from the dev kernel. Would I like more, such as some of the suggested items (eg the int 2E backdoor, better LFN support, less bugs, ...) yes, but realistically it ain't going to happen this year.

Alain wrote:
I really don't understand why so much effort is put in new and 1.0 stuff and when I report a BUG in the KERNEL so serious that I had to remove FreeDOS from a real user machine I didn't even get ONE answer from the list

right now there are very few active developers, presently I am the primary developer for the kernel, sys, FreeCom, cd-driver, tree, install, etc. (not that all these necessary have seen any public improvements nor need any) and I have limited time since I work two jobs (and still try to spend some time with my family & friends).

there are two major reasons for a 1.0 release, a) most of the FreeDOS utilities are ready enough for an official stable release [distribution, ie like every other DOS comes] which given all the work done this past decade or so seems a nice thing to do while people still use DOS, and b) to maybe gain a few more users/developers since some people will wait/insist on a proper release (ie not beta software) which will hopefully help to further improve FreeDOS.

as to your particular bug, I do look at every request that comes in, but whether I work on a particular issue or not is largely dependent on if I think I can do it in the time I [at that moment] have available; although I try to go back and make sure I haven't forgotten anything, and when I have time I look through bugzilla, I still probably get 100-300+ emails a day (many from various lists such as these, ReactOS, ...) but also some regarding various programs I try to help with (I work on more than just FreeDOS programs), so its easy for me to loose track of bug reports only mentioned via email or that don't have enough detail in a bugzilla bug report. [as I've mentioned several times before, if you really want me to do something, you need to keep bugging me about it so it moves high enough on my todo list; though some things I can't do much about if I lack ability to reproduce]


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