Owen Rudge wrote:
Hi Jim,

Well, just to reiterate my offer from last year, if you need hosting for Bugzilla or anything else, let me know and it can be sorted out. My servers are not going to disappear any time soon. :-)

Owen, you so rock.

Hmm.. maybe this can become our Option #2, if Owen can make a bugs.freedos.org VHOST. Option #2 is I could move the www.freedos.org site (which I'd plan to do anyway) and leave the FreeDOS Bugzilla on this guy's server as bugs.freedos.org. I don't think that would be a problem for now. And I could make nightly backups of our Bugzilla data to Owen's server, so that if we ever get into a situation where we lose the current hosting, we would have the data available to put onto Bugzilla on Owen's server. I can do the setup work on Owen's box, so importing the data wouldn't take long.

So, I think our current options are:

#1 - move FreeDOS Bugzilla to SourceForge, but lose email notification. Not an issue for bug changes (email hasn't worked in a while, anyway) but would be a problem for getting your password changed or creating a new account.

#2(modified) - Leave Bugzilla on the current server as bugs.freedos.org, but keep Owen's server as a new bugs.freedos.org that we could move to in an emergency. Backups are sent to Owen's box on a nightly basis.

#3 - Migrate the FreeDOS Bugzilla data to the SourceForge Tracker. They can't do this now, but they are working on it. Stay on the current server as bugs.freedos.org until then (see #2).

and a new one:

#4 - Move Bugzilla to Owen's server as bugs.freedos.org, and not have to worry about this bs again.

I kind of like the idea of #4, but I'll be honest ... #2 involves less work on my part, at least in the short term. :-) Seriously though, I don't have much free time these days.


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