Hi all,

I've moved the FreeDOS Bugzilla to Sourceforge. If you have bookmarked the old Bugzilla, please update to use the new location. I've updated the links on the www.freedos.org web site (mirrors should be updated in the next day.)

Please do not report problems with the FreeDOS Bugzilla to the staff at SourceForge - they will not respond to you. If you get software errors when using Bugzilla, please use the formmail to report the problem.

A note about email: The downside is that email won't work from SourceForge. I mentioned this in my emails last week. The SourceForge hosting service does not allow any outbound email from their servers. While this isn't much of an issue for bug change notification (this hasn't worked on the old Bugzilla for a while, I think) it will be an issue for when you need to be reminded of your password. You will NOT receive email for password changes or when you create a new account.

The old Bugzilla has been taken down (you'll get a friendly message if you use the old URL.) After I took down the old Bugzilla, I took a current dump of the MySQL database, then used that to import the bug data to SourceForge. So all the bug data was converted successfully.

Please check out the new Bugzilla, and if you have any issues, please email them to me (off-list). I'll make time over the next few days to respond to any problems that get reported.


Jim Hall wrote:
Hi everyone.

Things aren't looking so great, and I need to move the FreeDOS Bugzilla. Like, now. I feel I've run out of time.

Since #1 (SourceForge) requires the least work, because everything is already set up, I am going to move the FreeDOS Bugzilla to SourceForge over this weekend - probably Saturday. I'll disable Bugzilla & put up a web page just before I do the final database dump, and will update links and post a news item when the move is complete.


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